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NexusRadar Launched!

NexusRadar is a realtime map-plotting application which compliments the Nexus game. Think of it like a GPS device but for Nexus! NexusRadar will allow you to follow your character and see other characters as you travel across many world maps, including Buya, Kugnae, Nagnang, and more!

Quick Links

Monthly Challenge (Haengsas' Current Challenge)

Vortex (cave requirements chart)

Vortex Items (statistics of Vortex items)

Minor Quests (list of minor quests and their locations)

Mythic Caves (cave requirements chart)

Staff of the elements (comprehensive walkthrough)

Triiofa items (statistics of the event items)

Mongol items (Statistics of the event items)

Market Prices (current prices of common items)

NexusTK Status

There are 182 users online.

Nexus version: 6.74


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Reminders to Contributers

Please do not copy information or images from other NexusTK websites without permission!

Please refer to the Templates page when editing to keep everything looking the same.

Please follow the Guidelines.

Random Tip: Box — You can use {{box}} and {{/box}} to create a coloured box. Use this for organization or to highlight important pieces of information. For example, the code

{{box}}This is in a box.{{/box}}

produces the following:

Box This is in a box

See old Tips.

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