
From NexusWiki
Map of Kugnae

Kugnae is the capital city of the country of Koguryo. Kugnae is the 2nd largest city in NexusTK, the first being Buya. Though not as popular as the larger city (or perhaps because of it), Kugnae is still a very enjoyable place. It is sometimes a bit hard to get around, and even old players can still got lost there. Kugnae can be selected as a starting location for new players. Kugnae's gates lead many places. The northern gate leads to the south-east section of the Wilderness. The eastern gate leads to Dae shore. The southern gate leads past the Graveyard, in to Southern Koguryo and eventually Nagnang.


Hunting areas

The caves in Kugnae are similar to those in Buya.

Area Location Prerequisites
Rat cave Level 3
Rabbit cave Level 9
Fox cave Level 20
Haunted house Level 36
Spider cave