E-mail Confirmation — In an effort to effectively thwart spam and prevent vandalism, all editors are now required to confirm an e-mail address. This is probably a good idea anyway, since if you lose your password it is the only way to get your account back. You can change your address under Special:Preferences. Thanks for taking 60 seconds to help keep the wiki clean and effective.
NexusRadar Website Updated — We have just completed some major updates to the NexusRadar website. A lot of you were concerned about privacy so now NexusRadar will only display specific public maps (and more maps are coming soon). Other new features include real-time population updates (those little numbers in the map list) and an indicator for total number of players. You can also now click on a player's name in the player list to access a couple of new options: player tracking and view player user page. The user page feature should be self-explanatory. The player tracking feature allows you to automatically follow a player as he or she moves from map to map (only on the supported maps though). Check it out! (May 26, 2007)
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