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[[Image:sword.gif]] Charmie - Current [[Do]] Elder
[[Image:sword.gif]] Charmie - Current [[Do]] Elder
[[Image:Geomancer.PNG]] Elarra - Currently the Lt. Colonel, Current Elixir Host, Current Guide of [[Geomancer]] path, Current Minister of Affairs


Revision as of 11:58, 22 October 2012

Our Birth

In ancient Korea once stood a great kingdom, The Kingdom of Koguryo. The past to you but in the Nexus these are our beginnings...

Guided by the rule of His Majesty King Yuri, and His Royal Highness Prince Mhul, The Kingdom of Koguryo became the first kingdom in all of the land; And its oldest city, the city of Kugnae started to flourish. The rapid growth and development of Kugnae, led way to become its primary and capital city.

The growth of the city was no surprise, since its town center, shops, and inns had become a mass gathering for the city’s citizens and travelers abroad. This created a new problem, with the rise in population there is an increase in crime and threats against the livelihood of the Kogurian people. Thus the Koguryo Royal Guard was formed under the guidance of Prince Mhul. The Royal Guard struggled but held on, until a promising brave Royal Guard by the name of Rowann was appointed to become the General of the kingdoms first and only true royal armed forces. After time the Royal Guard’s importance and use faded away, and the Army held strong under the guidance of General Rowann. The army became Koguryo’s primary line of defense for protecting the kingdoms, allies, citizens, clans, and its royal family.

By the end of his Majesties Golden Jubilee, The Kingdom of Koguryo had come to enjoy a fruitful economy, and growing populations. The expansion of the kingdom led to the creation of three new civilian settlements on the outskirts of Kugnae. The new settlements became Kangnung, Masan, and Onyang. With the overall growth of Koguryo and other neighboring kingdoms the importance for an army was certainly there. In present day the army enjoys a growing relationship under King Mhul of Koguryo with the Empire of Buya, and Her Royal Highness Princess Lasahn, as well as the Kingdom of Nagnang, and His Royal Highness Prince ChaeRi.

General Information

Koguryo Army's General is ThiefOfSouls, the current Lt. General is CronxJr. The Royal in charge of Koguryo Army is Mhul. The KRA also supports new Divisions such as an Army Events Division headed up by Colonel LifeSong, Army Recruitment headed up by Lt. General CronxJr, Situational Training headed up by long time Ssaurabi Xion and Special Missions run by Director saint. A complete list of the Koguryo Royal Army soldiers can be found here.

History of Generals

General Rowann Yuri 23 - Yuri 65

General Nykid Yuri 65 - Yuri 68

General Rowann Yuri 68 - Yuri 73

General Nykid Yuri 73 - Hyul 5

General Hatiki Hyul 5 - Hyul 9

General NeoCloud Hyul 9 - Hyul 16

General Rammstein Hyul 16 - Hyul 18

General ThiefOfSouls Hyul 18 - 26

General lxleixl Hyul 26 - 27

General ThiefOfSouls Hyul 27 - Present

Army Barrack Features

Main Hall:

Kugnae Secretary - Withdraw/Deposit Function, Repair, Send/Receive Parcel, Sells Kindred talisman, Yellow scrolls, Bear’s liver, Tiger's heart, Herb pipe, Mountain ginseng and Army Uniform, Helm and Spear. Nuisance, Dyes and all Clan Administration Functions.

Gyong-Si – Reincarnate, Travel to Buya, Nagnang and Tangun.

Rowann’s Sanctuary:

Rowann – Clan guest, Assess Karma, Shadow Stats, Shadow Vitality, Shadow Mana, Marriage and Quest options.


Koguryo Army - Resurrections, Mythic Boss summon training.

Royal Crafts Chamber:

Adelle – Alchemy/Scribe, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Sena – Food/Chef. Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Nohmin – Carpentry/Fishing, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Se-Hong – Mass Exchange, Sells Axe, Ink, White paper, Root liquor and Smelting Agreement, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Royal Refining Hall:

Kirin – Gem/Jewel, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Dulsoon – Weave/Tailor, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Haesik – Smelt/Smith, Withdraw/Deposit Function.

Portal Destinations include:

All Four Path Halls, Kinung, Hamgyong Nam-Do, Kugnae Tower Arena, Court Yard and the Gagoon boat launch.

Army Application

Requirements to Join the KRA:

Must be level 30 or higher and a resident of Koguryo.

Must have not been jailed within the past eight Hyuls.

Must never have been jailed for Murder, Theft, Attempted Murder, or Other serious crimes.

Must not have any Negative Subpath Brandings. (Exceptions allowed, within reason)

If you believe you have met these standards please fill out and return the the application portion located below and send it to one of the Officers currently listed in our application post on the Clans & Subpaths board. If you do not receive a reply to your request for admission after 3 days please feel free to re-apply to another officer, sometimes our officers take short leaves from the lands and cannot be reached. Also realize that our officers have other duties apart from adding soldiers. Please just n-mail. *Note* Whispering may result in having your application deleted.

Thank you and Good Luck!

-General ThiefOfSouls

Fill Out and Return the Following via game N-mail:


Do you have any justice brands? How/why did you receive them?

Have you ever belonged to KRA or any other clan/army? If so which one and why did you leave?

Why do you wish to join the army?

What expectations do you have of the army and how can you contribute?

Historical Information

The armies of the Kingdoms were finally granted the ability to pay tribute in October 2005 from pressure from General Nykid of the KRA, General AceoStar of the BIA and General Gromph of the LoN.

The Koguryo Royal Army boasts its advancements since tribute, having 2 new merchants, (Sell Exp, Minor Quest, Read Karma, Guest Summon, Travel to Buya, Travel to Kugnae), as well as its very own crafting hall and sanctuary.

The Koguryo Royal Army was once divided into three Battalions, Akatsuki (Recon, Strategy & Intelligence), Toshyo (Front Line Soldiers), and Fuma (Light Armored Soldiers) during General Nykid's reign and the first part of General Hatiki's reign, when it was finally decided by the officers and General Hatiki of the Koguryo Royal Army, that the army would strive to be united rather than seperated, thus Battalions were retired, but the teachings of Akatsuki, Toshyo and Fuma still live on.

Rowann's History

General Rowann - Yuri 23 - Yuri 65 & Yuri 68 - Yuri 73

Her name echos through the winds as a legend. She is known for not only her selfless dedication and loyalty to Koguryo, but for her strength, determination and leadership of Koguryo's armed forces. Such a heroic figure can only be none other than Former Diviner Guide and General, Rowann.

Rowann was of pure Koguryan blood, raised in the early years of His Majesty King Yuri's reign. Little is known about her true age or family, or exactly how she grew up as a young girl in a prospering city. The Rowann known to the world will forever be a soldier. A soldier with ambition and passion for her King and country.

Her life as a soldier began as part of a Royal Guard, designed to protect King Yuri's son and Regent of Koguryo, Prince Mhul. The Royal Guard faltered at first, until a brave young woman caught the attention of the Prince. That young woman was none other Rowann, who became General of the first and only, true royal armed forces. The army became Koguryo's primary line of defense for protecting the kingdoms, allies, citizens, clans, and its royal family.

The KRA's early beginnings could not have been held together without General Rowann. The gods refused to provide any assistance, yet General Rowann never faltered. Her love for Koguryo and her determination pushed the gods to their limits. The gods finally began to recognize the Royal Army as an official organization, and granted the army its first Army Barracks.

Though the army may have its first barracks, it was nothing but a storeroom. General Rowann was insulted and continue to pressure the gods for equality between clans and armies. General Rowann expanded our barracks, as well as convinced the gods to provide soldiers with helms. It was another victory for Rowann in her battle against the gods.

But General Rowann's legacy is not only about her improvements to the army. Her bravery and leadership has lead the army through countless battles, horrific wars, and internal strife. Since before the Shattering, Rowann has fought and defended Koguryo from all invaders. From the terrifying battles against Orb, to the destructive Wind God Wars, and even through the countless struggles between the kingdoms and Barbarians, Rowann has risen to every occasion to lead the Royal Army to victory. Her faith, strength, and loyalty never faltered, in over 50 Yuris of service.

Rowann's Generalship is a legacy. Since before the Great Shift she has commanded countless troops to victory and battled through thick and thin against enemies of Koguryo . Her name will echo throughout the winds for an eternity as a legend.

Famous Soldiers

Rowann - First General of Koguryo, Former Judge and Former Guide of Diviner path

Anjos - Former Minister of Culture

SilentS - Former Chongun Elder, Former Ambassador of Koguryo

PStudII - Former Merchant Elder

PoeticTruth - Former Guide of Muse path, Current Guide of Monk path, Former Koguryo Poet Tutor

Hatiki - 3rd KRA General, Former Head Guide of Shaman path, Former Ambassador of Koguryo, Former FoxHunt Host, Former Elixir Host, Currently the 4th Royal Minister of Koguryo.

Greensky - Former Ambassador of Koguryo, Former Guide of Muse path

Charmie - Current Do Elder

Elarra - Currently the Lt. Colonel, Current Elixir Host, Current Guide of Geomancer path, Current Minister of Affairs