Dog linguist quest

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The Dog Linguist Quest is one of the first you are able to do. It requires Cat karma or above, and Level 15 or over. This quest is a prerequisite for the Poet's Restore quest. The Dogs you talk to in the quest are also able to teach Dog Spells, although you do NOT need to be a Dog Linguist to learn these.

The quest involves walking back and forth between Kugnae and Buya, searching for dogs, and repeating the sounds they make when you talk to them. The first Dog can be found in Kugnae, behind the inns. (0060,0145) Most of the time he is hidden behind the wall of the inn, but if you speak to him, he will respond. Say "Hello." to this dog, two times. He will respond with "Bark!". Then, say "Bark!" back to the dog two times. This is the Mage dog.

The second dog is in Buya, near Fox Cave. (0130,0140) Say "Bark!" to this dog twice. It will respond with "Woof!". Now say "Woof!" back at the dog. This is the Rogue dog.

The third dog is back in Kugnae, also near Fox Cave. (0025,0170) This one also likes to hide, and is usually behind a fence. Again, just stand in the area and say "Woof!" to this dog two times, and it should respond with "Grrowl!" Note the two r's. Say "Grrowl!" back to the dog. This is the Warrior dog.

The fourth and final Dog is in Buya, north of north gate. (0015,0010) He is hidden behind a large Tree near the Rabbit Warrens. "The Watcher" can be found in this area. Say "Grrowl!" to this dog. If you have completed the previous steps correctly, you should now be marked as a Dog Linguist. This is the Poet dog.

This is the end of the Dog Linguist quest. Once completed, Poets will be able to start the Restore quest.