The current members of the Shaman subpath can be found here. The current Elder of the Shaman is BeffyCabeza. The current Head Guides are Izabella and Lauz. The 1st Elder of the Shaman Subpath was JaydePhoenix the mother of the Shaman.
Shamans are healers of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of life. They are learned alchemists and scribes (Alchemy & Scribing). Far ago Shaman were known to be deadly silent and it was pointless to try to strike up a conversation with them unless they knew you or if you were a brother or sister. However, over the years this has changed and the Shaman have opened up. If you are interested perhaps speaking to a Guide and asking for a Chieko which is there book of written history of there path would be a good place to start. Perhaps seeking out their valley, The Valley of the mudang, to speak with them would also be a good start. The Valley is located in Islets (45,50). As we see the reign of Elder Widget coming into full swing it appears a switch from open valley of "friendly" shaman is starting to dwindle and a return to the past might soon be overcoming the shaman. Perhaps this is a new era for the Shaman, we shall see how the masters of the spirits act in the near future...
Path names
Services offered up to the Community Shaman Wedding Totem Spirit Revealed Ceremonial Fire
Common Events Hosted by the Shaman
- ...... Grave robbers .............
- ...... Mudang sori ...............
- ...... Murder in the dark .......
Path History
Shaman Only Items
Many shaman carry items which only they have the power to wield. These items are sacred to the path and countless hours has been put into the craftmanship of these items to ensure perfection. Passage of the Statistics these items carry is strictly prohibited within the kingdoms and knowledge of the capabilities of these items are held within only that of a Shaman.
List of Elders
- JaydePhoenix (Founding Mother of the Path)
- Ballinor