Ori-cle Clan site[1] Another article detailing the Bretrayal of Babyboy: Ori'cle Betrayal
The Ori-cle Tribe is a clan based off of work by ApeDragon, Aeshatter, SevenSins, and Taku. It was originally "Virtuous Clan"(Created in Yuri 73), that site avaliable here; [2]
Aeshatter and SevenSins decided that the site and history were too pompous, and wanted a larger range of people to be let in, and so created a new site, and Cathoirmore was removed from the revamped site. The new clan was titled "The Virtuous" dropping the "clan". It was open to any and all Nangens, are it's main goal was being nice and helping others. There were many minor power changes throughout "Virtuous Clan," including the ascending of a spy, Abrasion to Primogenship, but removed soon after and it was used as a roleplay event. A month after that event, the name was changed to The Virtuous.
It was accepted into Probation by the Tribunal of Nagnang in May 2005, and progressed through many public events, and had high publicity throughout it's term. An article was featured in the Kingdom Tribune when it reached 100 members.This created a large amount of hype as the clan was unofficial, it was rare for an aritcle to be written about unofficial clans.
Some confusion arose early in development(late stages of "Virtuous Clan") when Alizarin Clan was created by Gamine and began advertising on the Nexus in game boards. Both promoted a triumvirate( a 3 person government) and both sides recieved negative publicity for "copying" each other. This confusion was short lived, and was cleared up by Gamien stating she was not aware that Virutous Clan used it, and Virtuous did not pursue it any further.
The 6 month mark approached. On December 13th 2005, the end of Probation, the primogens in attendance (all Nangen primogens excpet Kujek, he was absent and Pegasus forfieted their vote.) voted, and The Virtuous were denied.
It was the first time a clan had been denied at the 6th month mark in all of Nexus, all other clans who'd gone that far have been accepted. Much of the public was outraged, and spoke out against the decision on the community board.
Here are just a few;
That is very disappointing to see such a great clan have to re-apply in 3 months and then go through the 6 LONG months of probation again. If I were new to the land of nexus I wouldn't have thought Virtuous as an un-official clan.
I don't understand, how can the clans of nagnang turned down the Virtuous when in fact isn't Nagnang wanting more clans?
Best of luck to Aeshatter and his clan in 3 months. Hopefully the next time they don't vote no.
I cant begin to express my disappointment that the Virtuous clan was voted down by the Nagnang tribunal , even though they held a voting without all members present.
To begin, I am not a member of the Virtuous clan. I am just a person that has observed and followed its development from the beginning. I recall when AeShatter first listed the set of virtues, in which I found some wording questionable, which I wrote him about. He understood my perspective and adapted new wording for the virtues. This was the first of many changes, as he carefully listened and molded this clan along with Sevensin and his helpers. This clan did many things I have NOT seen any other clans do. They made it a daily chore to try and bring some positivety back into this community, when its lacking alot of that now adays. There daily post of who " they caught" doing a good deed was amusing to read. They held event after event. They busted their rear ends for Nagnang and the Nexus community as a whole.
Yet they were turned down. I have to ask why they were turned down. I truly hope they did not vote down the Virtuous clan because they are a threat to their own clan existance, or on a personal basis. And I hope your not scrambling around trying to find a reason to appease the community that is furious you denied one of the most decent and well organized clans put together in a long time.
Personally, I think a few of the clans in Nagnang is in shambles. We all know The forsaken is a solid clan, its well organized and well run, but they had an advantage over every Nagnang clan. They were made by the GM of Nexus. not a player. Pegasus clan?? Well, I did join this clan for a short time, and was not pleased with what occured in there at all. First, I participated in these gathering hunts. YOu know to get ore, wood, or wool for tributes and stuff. Well, I watched a certain individual always collect the on these hunts, and I noticed none of what was gathered ever showed up in the clan bank.
I did see him however gaining crafting experience for himself by crafting it, but thing is he left the clan, and again, I never saw what was gathered which was from like 7 hunts I went on, never show up. Secondly, I left for boot camp and told people there on council I would be back in 3 months. I come back to find I am off some roster I was on and a nasty clan title of Inactive kin. Well , forget that, Inactive kin was followed by abandon. Then we got Silla clan, which I never heard of before it was made a clan and well still dont hear much of either. If there are any other clans in Nagnang, I dont know who you are. Thats how much of an impression you have made on me and I am sure a few other people in this community.
Bottom line here is, regardless of how much Aeshatter and SevenSin is trying to be gracious about being denied. I dont have to be so gracious. Today something smells really bad in Nagnang, It stinks of rotten fish and rotten clans. Shame on you, for turning down a clan that has had the most potential of any clan I seen in a long time , And shame on you if you dare respond to this post, well they can try again in 3 months. The answer to that, is they shouldnt have to wait, they should never been denied..
How on earth did this clan get turned down, with all the hard work and efforts it has put in the past few months on nexus. This clan promoted positive reenforcement. This clan did event after event, amusing the community. I just dont understand when there are a few clans in Nagnang, I am wondering how they ever got approved in the first place?? BAH BAH BAH to you Primogens of Nagnang.
I am shocked and surprised that the clan was not made official. I know only one or two memebers personally but through this board, the events they host, and the way they interact with the community makes me think that they are one of the better clans of resent years. DONT GIVE UP...Try again. I doubt that you will get rejected again.
Hello all, Im so very sorry, please dont give up...
I'm sure a lot of clans get voted down in all three cities, but I've never seen one of the ones that got voted down to have THIS much dedication towards their ideals and to their fellow members. Seeing these posts from the supporters of the Virtuous and from their members is very inspiring!
With a level of morale that high, there's no way you guys will fail the second time around. Keep working hard and you're bound to succeed. Best of luck. =D
-Elsy's player
Aeshatter and SevenSins took some time off to think about the next step, and they came out with a more hopeful outlook. After going though Nangen history written by ApeDragon, a retired Legion of Nagnang General, they created the Ori-cle Tribe, a Nangen Bloodline present since before Kija was born. The roleplay was more involved, and they created a monk marked family and that is avaliable at BodhiSanctum.com, the site of Berig the Monk Elder. That family is open to members, and you must contact ApeDragon, who currently heads it.
In March, it was decided that nexus had become too slow, and were sadly disheartned by the success of Alizarin.
"I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I admit I am jealous. We both worked extremly hard and dedicated 6 months of our time toward our goals, but I suppose Tribunal knew what they wanted. Neverless, it's hard to continue once you think your unwelcome."
-Aeshatter after the acceptance of Alizarin at the end of their Probation.
They wanted to leave, but felt that the clan should continue. Taku, a Nangen Ministry member and good friend of the two, had departed a few months before and that left Aeshatter and SevenSins choices for new leaders small. It was decided it would go to Rumiko and Babyboy, for Primogen and Primarch respectivly. Rumiko had shown dedication in the creation of an interactive member database, accesable by anyone who wanted to check their titles, clan or event points. Babyboy had been a longtime member, and was with the clan since "The Virtuous."
Rumiko declined, and passed Primogen to Babyboy, saying she did not have the time. Babyboy, now Primogen made many quick and large changes to the clan and the site. Aeshatter and SevenSins had planned to stay in Nexus for a short while, to guide the new leaders into their new position, but it was anything but smooth.
Babyboy changed clan laws, the application, and created another spot for Primarch, who he appointed Ellin, and ApeDragon for.
All the while, he flaunted his title, in forums, and in game. The founders became worried.
After many attempts to control Babyboy, Aeshatter pulled a coup, and kicked all of Babyboys access to the clan websites, and reinforced his copyright on the stories and work in the sites, afterwords letting Babyboy know he had been removed, udner provision of the "Founders Hand" Law, which allowed founders to reclaim control of the clan at any moment if they deem suitable.
In the end, the two decided no one left in the clan could be responsible enough to take it to Tribunal for another 6 months without altering what it was created for, and it was disbanded in March 2006.
Cuivenim Scroll (Scrolls of Origin) In Yuri 70, an old woman was seen traveling to Kugnae from Nagnang, handing out shining stones to the children she passed. She stopped to rest under the Tree of Reflections, where a small group of three were gathered together to tell tales of their journeys. These Three were Aeshatter, SevenSins, and Taku. The woman named Nsia handed them a rolled scroll…
From the Books Of Nagnang scribed by Nangen Elder ApeDragon:
Ori'cle; the Ori'cle people can be found in the east of the lands and make up some 2/5ths of the population. They are a mix breed of Nangen natives and those of the far west such as Han. These people are believers in Karma and are very nice to all people unless they send them a threat. They are a peaceful set of people and quite religious towards the idea of Karma and the Balance of the world. There are many great temples constructed by their people before Kija came to the nation and are known for their mystical monks that watched over the temples and performed many prophesies, amazing actions based off of meditation, levitation and healed many people from sicknesses and crippling. These are known to be holy people and are great philosophers and known for their guides of Monks and Poets and their advanced healing powers.
They looked it over with interest, and Nsia reminded Aeshatter and Seven of their last name, Ori'cle.
“You mean, this our family?" Asked SevenSins.
Nsia pondered the answer for a few moments. “Them and many, many more."
With a moment of realization and retracing their roots, they discovered their bloodline was the same as Nsia. Over the next few Yuris she taught them the ancient arts of the Ori'cle, their temple building doctrines, their historic ways, and the fighting style of Jittejutsu, the sword breaker. Determined to bring the majority of them back together they founded a group called a clan in Nagnang, based on karma, equal treatment of others, loyalty to Nagnang and Prince Kija under the worship of the seven gods of good fortune. They were and remain passive, the Ori'cle believe that aggression is not on the path to enlightenment. They do cultivate a militia, but it is for defense. Simplicity defines the lives of the men and women who reside within the Nangen halls and they mean only to guide others to their origin while providing a strong structure to protect and care for their kin.
No one is actually sure what occurred in detail after this point but a home was built in Kunsan, where the original family made their home. With Aeshatter, SevenSins and Taku leading, they quickly found Ori'cle kin and sheparded them back into the Old Ways. To this day the clan works to rebuild fallen temples and harbor charity and healing throughout the Kingdoms of the Winds.
Leaders or priests of the Ori’cle sects were known as Celebrants; they taught and led others who followed their deity, lest their brethren fall prey to the Vices of Apathy, Hate, Greed, or Jealousy. Taku was deemed the first High Celebrate.
Our primogen holds supreme power within the clan, but he or she is expected to respect the opinions of the kin. We loyally follow the leadership of Prince Kija.
If the Primogen is absent, the Primarch takes over, until an election is held between Higher Council to determine a permanent leader. They can only vote on council members and the Primarch, also they may not vote for themself. The High Celebrate will collect the votes.
Recently scrolls were found within Kyongju written in a strange form of writing that spoke of another Nsia and the three, all with the same names. The group they forged was called “The Virtuous” but the scrolls ended before we really knew enough about them. It is believed they were unsuccessful in the formation of a Nangen clan.
Clan paths and Insights Our clan is seperated into profession and deity sects. Here you will find them listed by deity. You may find the description of deities and their professions in the "Fortune Shrine"
- Bishamo:: Followers of Bishamo practice Juttejitsu and raise a defense force for the clan and Nagnang.
Most followers are soldiers, doctors, or priests.
Level I: Soldier - Fighters, infantry and practioners of Jittejitsu.
Level II: Doctor- Doctors stay away from immediate battle to aid those who are wounded.
Level III: War-Priest- Paladin masters of healing magic and the Jitte. Known to be able to snap powerful blades in two.
- Ebisu:: Followers of Ebisu are mostly judges, sailors, and fisherman. They hate unust acts and work to correct them.
Level I: Fisherman /woman- These people study habits of people in groups to better undstand them.
Level II: Sailor- These mariners are close with changes in society and form opinions about it.
Level III: Lawmaker - Those whose opinions are perfered are ascended to Lawmakers where they judge others and are judged.
- Hotei:: Devotee's of Hotei are jolly, always laughing, and very charitable. They protect and guard children. Many are known as fortune-tellers, bartenders
Level I: Keeper- Keepers guard children and teach those who need help.
Level II: Medium - Can interpret short distances into the future of children.
Level III: Fae-Guard - Can summon powerful magic to protect children and kin.
- Benten:: Benten's hands promote the family and discover new kin. They are writers, artists and dancers.
Level I: Scribe- Can bind weak magic within physical objects.
Level II: Artist- Able to manipulate resources into beautiful objects.
Level III: Wish-Dancer- Said to entrance with whilring dances.
- Rokuju:: Followers of Rokuju are strong worshippers, many athletes, gamesmen, and crafters. They love to host events and make others happy.
Level I: Athlete- Love building their body and mind to prepare for activity.
Level II: Gamesmen/women- Promote various events and love nature and it's bounty.
Level III: Timeweaver- Higher understanding of themselves and their surroundings allows this level to warp perspectives and the physical world.
- Daikoku:: These devotees are historians, collectors, and treasure things with history and risk. Many in there risks attain wealth and success in their proffessions. Many are bankers, financers, and hunters.
Level I: Curator- Journey into the kingdoms to learn and teach others about items.
Level II: Warden- Collect artifacts and hunt for lost stories and relics.
Level III: Relicsage- Masters of history and artifacts, they manage and maintain the Museum of Artifacts, always looking for more to add.
- Jurojin:: An introverted sect, they gather wisdom and knowledge quietly perfering to research everything by themselves. However, they enjoy the company of a partner and matrimoney and bloodbonds are sacred to them. Many are professors, mathematicians and alchemists.
Level I: Zealot- Entusiastic group who is always studying.
Level II: Partisan- An opinionated fairly proud group of the Jurojin followers.
Level III: Hermetic- Wields a Shaku and practices powerful alchemy, actual strength is mostly unknown
- Founder's Hand::
Any member of the original 3 founders (Exclusivly Aeshatter, SevenSins, and Taku) has the right to assume Primogenship at anytime if he or she feels the current Primogen has not fulfilled his or her duty, or is not competent.
((This law applies at any time, and may be enacted within or out of game))
Moral Code
1) ::: Respect ::: Respect the clan members, community members, and yourself.
2) ::: Equality ::: All are equal within the clan, unless raised by his or her own actions.
3) ::: Trust ::: Trust others implicitly and give others reason to trust you in all aspects of your life in the Kingdoms, within the clan, never be afraid to bring something up.
4) ::: Image ::: Sportsmanship and community participation are required.
5) ::: Enthusiasm ::: You shall always be and remain positive, optimistic, and kind.
Ori-cle Laws
1) ::: Laws of the Kingdoms ::: All laws of the Kingdoms must be followed first and foremost by all of the Ori-cle blood.
2) ::: Player Killing ::: Do not player-kill other members without their prior consent. (Consider the Moral Code of Respect: if members x and y have player-killed each other for yuris and maintained respect for each other before joining the Ori-cle, we do not expect them to stop player-killing simply because they have become one of the Ori-cle. However, member z may not get involved unless it is understood by players x, y, and z that pk arguments will stay in pk and out of the kingdoms, wilderness, and clan hall.)
3) ::: Harassment ::: Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes player-killing in non-pk areas that result in death with loss of experience, item/weapon/armor dura, break-on-deaths, loss of experience, and death-piles; player-killing in pk areas when the person you are player-killing has asked you -even once- to stop; verbal assault upon a person in the attempt to belittle them; physical assault, murder or attempted murder, or hindrance against another player in any level cave; or any other type of disrespectful abuse against any person living within the kingdoms of Buya, Kugnae, Nagnang, any Neutral dweller, or any dweller that hails from unclaimed lands. The penalty of harassment will always be severe, and may result in immediate exile from the Ori-cle and/or banishment from the list of Ori-cle people.
4) ::: Profanity ::: Profanity that is not covered under Harassment and does not break the Moral Code of Respect may result in a light or mild disciplinary action. This may include, but is not limited to, a fine of clan points, a predefined number of event records being struck from your total, a monetary fine (item or money), or a special service to be named by either a Council member or the Primogen (you will never be asked to perform a service which is illegal for you to perform). Profanity which falls under Harassment will always be persecuted to the full extent that is allowed by Nexus laws.
5) ::: Stealing ::: Members caught or suspected (by a Council member) of stealing items, money, karma, and other related offenses (such as scalping) will face mild to extremely harsh disciplinary action. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting the act to Nexus Justice, exile from the Ori-cle, fine of event records and/or clan points, or a total wipe of event records and/or clan points.
Stealing is not limited to items and money, however. The Ori-cle expects members to behave courteously and respectfully at all times when interacting with members of the Kingdoms and with Neutral dwellers. When hunting, do not steal rooms or bosses from groups that are camping! (This is especially true for rooms such as purple Dragons, Horse Stand and Islands of Light, Northern Ogre caves, and any room where a boss may be found in the Mythic, Vortex, Woodland, Ogres, or Mantis caves). Disciplinary action over the act of stealing rooms or bosses depends on the severity of the crime.
Scalping is the act of hoarding an item which is expected to achieve a shortage, in order to raise its price substantially. An example of this is, during the Johaih event, bundles of 20 Fine Cloth jumped as high 100k per bundle (perhaps even higher).
6) ::: Begging ::: All clans face the problem of begging at one point or another. While clan members are expected to respect one another and help each other, this generosity is -not- to be taken advantage of. If you need help, please ask, appropriately, for help from someone who -can- help you (i.e. do not ask an Il san mage for help on your 65 shield....). If a member can help you and has the time to do so, he or she will. If they can't, they will tell you so. This is not an invitation to ask again. Once a member has politely told you that he or she cannot help you, move on.
Begging will be considered as follows: -The act of asking for assistance multiple times from a member who has told you they cannot help you. -The act of taking advantage of member generosity; ie, asking for 5k today, then another 10k tomorrow without ever paying back the first 5k you borrowed. -The act of asking for rediculous amounts of cash or high-value items without any compensation (ie, "gimme 500k?", "spare me a charm? you have 8 of them!", or "can I have your big axe? you've got 3....") -Any act of request which may be construed as harassment -Freely receiving items, money, or service from a player (regardless of their association with the clan), then requesting further items, money, or service from this player or another player without any attempt of compensation for the original items, money, or service given to you.
Hunt Laws
There are three basic conditions that must be met in all clan hunts. They are as follows:
- Obey your hunt host - Stay with your group - Respect each other
To that effect, these are the clan hunt "laws" which will be in effect in -every- hunt unless the hunt host in charge of your clan hunt says otherwise!
1. Never leave the room unless the Hunt Host has said to enter the next room.
2. Stay within visual distance of your hunt host at -all- times. Never leave the hunt host's sight. If possible, try to stay within casting distance of a mage or poet.
3. Do not pick up drops unless you have been assigned to pick them up! If the hunt host does not assign a clan member to pick up drops, then the hunt host will pick up the drops.
4. (( Do not idle during a clan hunt. If you must leave the keyboard for more than 120 seconds, inform the hunt host and -leave- the cave (or log out). ))
5. Respect groups that are hunting in the same cave as you. If you see or hear any indication that another group may be in the room, -stop- and do not kill anything (unless it is directly attacking a clan member who is losing vitality) until your hunt host decides whether to remain in the room or proceed to another room.
6. Respect our laws and the laws of the Kingdom. Remember that each one of you represent our clan in all public matters, whether you are attending our events, hosting an event, attending other community events, hunting, chatting, crafting, gathering wool/wood/meat, or any other activity which may indirectly cause other people to come in contact with you.
- Please refrain from any form of cursing or offensive slang. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but other people may be offended by words that you grew up hearing. What is simply slang in one part of the world may be slander or extremely derogatory in another (I have been part of the mediation of two such events in a previous clan).
In accordance to current policy, all hunt drops will be divided as equally as possible among the members of the clan hunt. Your hunt host will post the hunt report on the forums, or pass it along to a council member to be posted on the forums. If you have any questions, pass it along to any Celebrate by whisper or n-mail.
Also, stories were written by the founders to encourage culture and create depth to the clan, these are found here;Ori'cle Museum