
((A Level 99 Mage, and past Diviner who left the path due to relationship issues with the leadership. He was also accused of spell abuse while in the path. In Yuris 73-78 he was the Primogen of the unofficial and now nonexistent clan "The Virtuous of Nagnang" which became the "Ori-cle Clan" which is now headed by SevenSins.))


Aeshatter was born in Western Nagnang, and raised by a small tribe of Ori-cle peoples. At the young age of a few Yuris, he departed for a sabbatical that would last a century. He traveled to Kugnae, and took up residence near its Eastern Gate, and trained in nearby caves with the many creatures that inhabited them. After reaching a great height of self-realization, he delved into a new study. He put down his blade and shield, and gathered to him books, tomes and other artifacts of knowledge. He was known as a mage, though not a famous one.

He became obsessed with being known, and put all of his energy into a fairly recently established clan, Destiny. What lured Aeshatter there was the knowledge of an herb that would prolong his life, to supernatural proportions, but was lost early in the clan’s history. He joined the Magus path, and worked diligently to discover something, anything towards this plant. He met people, laid the basis for relationships with people above him and slowly climbed the social ladder, and putting his spare time towards study. After another many moons, he hit a revelation. He left his clan, wanting independence, and instead joined a guild, one with similar interests to him, power.

The Diviner Guild of Koguryo was a guild steeped in history and wisdom, a great place to begin creating his new image. His rise was slow, but the rewards much greater then what he found in Destiny Clan. He learned to bend light to hide himself, he was able to foretell short distances into the current timeline, and interpret symbols of various origins. As he lovingly called it, he had learned to "Hide, Lie, and toss coins...And bake."

Though it was a great wealth of information, he did not get along with the guild very well. His questions, which were normally asked with hostility and frustration, were ignored. His concerns with leadership poorly brought up & poorly answered. Often times, he would be seen defending the withheld rights of the members, but in the end it was all for naught and he deserted the guild in a fit of anger, earning him the nickname of "Cloud-Thunder" by the children who walked far below the clouds that the guild supported itself upon.

What is interesting is that when he first entered the guild after many hours of training, was that he viewed himself as a "Light" diviner. One who always aids no matter what the situation and sees the best in people. When he left, he had one last request for his guide, who he believed was a traitor to her students and worked only for the dictators within the guild. He asked that she strip the mark pronouncing his affiliation with the light. He'd decided affiliation with either side is unhealthy, and styled himself as a Grey Seer, though not official anymore. He began to remove himself from the world.

Leaving Kugnae, he went back to his home nations, Nagnang. His village was long gone, so he set up in the western forests close to the Capital and began research once again, deep in a cave below the groves. He vanished entirely into this darkness for almost an entire Yuri, and emerged with an idea. One that would make him known forever. He penned a letter to one of the few friends he had still left in the guild, and convinced her to come aid him, as they set up a clan, that would become associated with the Nangen Government, currently led by Prince Kija. He gathered members, found religion, and set down roots that would reach down to the core of Nagnang.

While building his family, he was struck with the same inspiration that moved him to make spontaneous decisions as before, and passed leadership to another (See Ori-cle), said farewell to his friends and left the known kingdoms in a boat to the East, which was in Yuri 80.

While he was gone, many people in the kingdoms kept him informed of the events, every once in awhile, he would reach out to it as well.

-On the Vanishing Trees: All things go somewhere. - Sent to a Diviner Hopeful who requested his input.

-On the Triiofa: I always trust natural things more then humans trust them. -In a letter to Krylon

-On Haggard Witch and Yieta: Yieta! That scum! I've studied her before, as have you. Strange lady, but we have some things in common. Haggard Witch may be shady, but I think you should accept any and all help. - In a letter to his Historian Laren.

-On King Yuri's Ball: Oh, how I love parties! Too bad I am all the way out here, sorry, I promise to go with you next time dear.-In one of the few letters addressed to his Fiancé, Maevalia.

-On Mupa: Oh my. Be careful Seven, I almost wish I was able to be there. On her changed form, I think we know where the trees went, relay that to the Diviner I talked to you about earlier will you? -A letter to his previous Primarch, SevenSins.

-On himself: I am going where I want. I will return when I am done. I've learned a lot though. I still have my numerous visions, but instead of advising on them, I make some come true. I am now an Illusionist.

Other Accounts

Many Muses pass on a story about him belonging to the Nagnang Clandestine Guild (NCG) and his work in Ilbon, such as the sinking of her flagship the S.S. Ilbon, and the assassination of a number of their higher ranking captains.

The Ministries attest to his completion of a number of citizenship quests.

He was awarded for his study of the element fire by Druidic factions.

Orthodox Shamans within Nagnang sometimes talk about the Illusionist's work with shadows, and an explorer was able to steal some writings;

"...shadows were not a mere absence of light, but a reflection of possible worlds created by forces in conflict. A light
strikes a rock, and the shadow is a record of their clash, past, present and future. Other conflicting forces produced
less obvious shadows, fire and water, wind and rock, or nations at war. With skill and patience the shadows of all
could be read, and patterns teased out, emphasized or eradicated. Manipulating a shadow could, through contagion,
manipulate the object of force which cast it..."
"..manipulating his own shadow to such and extent that he instantiated and melded all possible versions of himself. at
the same time, crossing over from these singular existences in shadow."

Small Facts

-He was also in Destiny Clan of Kugnae

-His name means God-Killer, but it has not been entirely significant to his history.

-He was engaged to Shaman Maevalia for a very long time, 7 Yuris. Aeshatter left the Kingdoms before they could get married. However they did complete a Druidic Handfasting ceremony, the first to be done in many Yuris.

-As a diviner, his guide was Zario, during the Eldership of Lady Sarina.


With the aid of Past General of the Legion of Nagnang ApeDragon, he created the Ori-cle family, a group that is marked by the monk path and now lead by ApeDragon.

This family is open to applications, visit[1] and find the Ori-cle family history and then follow standard joining procedure found on the scroll "The Wandering Monk." Send all scrolls to ApeDragon. It is advised that you already know the family members, one or more before applying.