Ori'cle Museum

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Museum of Arifacts .:An older man rushes you into a room with a glass pane, colorfully decorated for a ceiling. The light that filters through is warm and makes you smile:.

The old man speaks "Hello Hello! I am a relicsage here, and I'd like to teach you about some of the interesting items we hold."

You follow him down a large corridor....

-:|:-Taku -:|:-

.:A small chest is on a pedastal at the end of a short corridor, you look down and wonder what it is, and then look to the Curator for the expected explanation, but he does not even look, just continues down the hall..You quickly go up and find a scroll within, you begin to read quickly:.

This is the last physical remains of Taku, first High Celebrant and very kind lady.

.:You begin to slip into a deep trance..the smell of morning rain fills your head, and you feel the wet deer grass beneath your feet..Off in the distance, stand Aeshatter and SevenSins, with a group of clan members you kind of recognize. They are all dressed in black, and are speaking in hushed tones; "..She was a wonderful, wonderful woman. I doubt we will ever see another like her." Aeshatter lowers his head and SevenSins speaks up. "I.." She sniffles slightly, "I will miss her dearly, she was oen of my best friends, and I consider her my sister. The Clan is forever indebt to her constant efforts"

A small girl approaches, she has light lilac hair, and a dark skirt on.

"Taku has left us due to the same illness Claymore had. It strikes quickly, often without warning. Myself and fellow healers will be working constantly for this sickness, and we hope to find it soon." She puts her hands to her face, and you see tears manage to get past her fingers as she walks back into the crowd.

You realize that this is the Funeral of Taku and a feeling of extreme gloom flows over you, but even as the potent lonliness seeps into your core, a small glint of sun finds it's way through the clouds. The crowd disperses and the wind picks up. You walk north in your sleeplike state, and find the large golden tree near Northwest Nagnang. Upon it's leaves dew sits quietly, sometimes rolling off onto the wet soil below you. A glance down reveals that this dew has aligned itself into a circle, with a large orb in the middle. A bracelet perhaps? You think to youself and decide that you will gather them, unsure of what next. They hold together, and you cradle the silky speres in your hands as you walk back to the funeral. You never make it back, but instead awaken within the Museum once more.

The necklace is still in your clenched fist. Odd. "Where did you go?.." The Curator was walking back! You open the chest,and place the necklace upon the scroll, closing it and briskly walking back to your guide.

"I'm right here! Just stopped to admire..your carpeting."

You continue on your way.

The Masked Bizong

.: The old man takes you past an unlit room. "Whats this room?" You ask, and he gives an uncertain frown. :.

"Well..It's where the first Bizong mask is kept. "

"Bi-..Zong? You mean Zibong right?"

"Nope. I'll explain....

During the 80th Yuri, a good explorer friend of Aeshatters came back from a trip to Shilla and was bearing gifts.Among these was the bound essence of the horrific beasts, the Zibong. Aeshatter, (being the curious one he is) took to examing it..testing it..and..ended up unleashing it. You see, at this point he wasn't the best scribe, and the sealing runes weren't of particular notice to him. So he fooled around with the wrong one and SLLLIIHHKK!

...It materialized several feet away and began to move towards him. Prince Mhul once charmed a zibong into capture for the Royal Museum near Dae Shore, and it so happenes that that story came in great utility today. Aeshatter stared at it meakly, then stood his ground again. "Oh my! What..a lovely.. bloody.. grin you have on your face."

The Zibong paused. "..You..you really think so?"

"Why yes! I would be blessed to have a hair of your chiseled features! Pun intended."

The phantom ..giggled. And..kept giggling. Using this time Aeshatter delved within a nearby book and found a reversal spell, far outdated but worth a try, perhaps it would just rebind the spirit.

"..Zibong?..Hmm..Sorry." "Huh?"

The zibong stopped it's chortling the moment the floor lit with runes and a bright flash!

"..Grin ban-it!" It was still there! Or wait..thats not.."EUGH! Your disgusting!" He let out with a small shriek. The zibong was even uglier! But..seemed different (besides the transparent flesh drooping from it's face) it..was it trying to smile? It's robe was lighter as well.

"Er. Are you still out to devour me with odd puffball looking swipes?" Aeshatter murmured doubtfully.

"Good Purgatory no! That sounds sickening to me. I'm beyond all that mass murder business. I work toward serving others usually. "

"Oh, well then would you mind helping me? I've always needed a good servent. Maevalia is always off doing something and SevenSins usually ignores me."

"I'd be delighted! My name is Bizong..Though..we're all called Bizong." "Theres more of you?" "Well of course! We'd get quite lonely if there wern't. But you'll need to free us from those bloodlusting soul-stealing soupheads if you plan to see more."

.:The old man continues..:.

"So, he kept her..or him..it. But couldn't stand looking at it's face! He grabbed a spirit mask, and carved some more happier features into it, and put it on the spectre's face. Shes still around here somewhere, but since has gotten many, well different faces so to speak. We keep the original here."

Something taps your left shoulder, but nothing is there.

Claymore, the first Golem .:The old man takes you across a room with a wide long sword set it a stony material.:.

"Ah...the Claymore. This is the spirit sword of the first Golem, also named Claymore.The first personal guard to Aeshatter, he was very loyal, but in the end..Aeshatter had to end his life."

.:He hands you a scroll..:. .:This paper seems to have a watermark of a sword pointing down:.


This letter is for Claymore. My guard, Golem of the Ori'cle. Today, I heard his faint whisper, he was leaving us. Leaving me. I did not want to listin.

After much conversation, answers questioned, questions answered..He led me to the Vale, land of the Heart Wars, and the battles would start anew..in mere moments from our arrival. "Aid me in ending my life friend."

I did not want to. I wouldn't.

"You must." It was his last request. I couldn't deny it. Sleep friend, and pass gently. And with a roar of flame, his time was over. I am sorry.. I walked slowly back to the Mythic..A sound? What is this?

"My spirit grants you a gift.."

I followed the etherial whispers to a tree, and found a faintly glowing blade.

"Guard it well.." And his voice faded. I would not hear it again.

I will guard this sword, for it is the last mark of he who guarded me.

                           Thank you.
    • Claymore's Service**

The First Jitte

.:The Old man stops at a small stand holding two odd looking sticks:.

"Ah now here's a good tale! It'll only take a bit..please sit down..."

Aeshatter and Cunari, while walking deep in dark woods of Nagnang, stumbled upon a small camp of men and one of them introduced himself as Nagnag, a smith and crafter.He offered to forge them a new type of sword for a large fee. Intrigued att this new weapon, they agreed and carefully watched this man roll metals and stone into a beautiful weapon he called a Jitte. Cunari wasn't impressed at it's small size and lack of a blade, but wanted to knwo why there was only a rod with an l shaped attachment. "Hehe!" Nagnag chuckled and offered to demonstrate.

He called over a warrior who withdrew a sword and rushed at Nagnang, with two quick hands and the weapon, the opposing blade found itself in a parry. then Nagnang thrust upwards and twisted his hands. His mercenary's blade snapped in two. With an open jaw the two asked how much they were. "2 million coins!"

A silence quickly passed, and Aeshatter asked for a moment to discuss. Cunari and Aeshatter walked off to the side of the camp and whispered quietly..."Pick it...appear to look.....then.." and they walked back. "Agreed!" Cunari bent down to pick two of them up, and peered closely. Aeshatter, during this, through down a small black orb. It smashed quickly and black smoke drenched the camp. "SCROLL!!" Using the confusion they stole the two Jittes and rushed back to Nagnang with a convient yellow scroll. When they woke up at the Tavern, Cunari pulled out a small scroll. "Whats that?"

Aeshatter kept his voice soft, just in case the Lady who worked there overheard. Cunari snickered "It's the plans on how to make them! Metal uses and everything! I grabbed it during the smoke. It'll take him years to make any more!" With a cheer and uproaring laughter they ordered some wine from the Bartender and sat down to talk about how funny Taku looked in a skirt...

Postscript: Aftwewords, they made one for SevenSins, and to this day the General makes a new sword for each great soldier.