Ori'cle Betrayal

From NexusWiki

"Babyboy, ApeDragon, Ellin. You lead my clan, my family. The Ori-cle is yours for now, treat it well, guide them through.

Beware failure, or incompetence, for my hand will not leave this land for a long time. Nor SevenSin's nor Taku's.

Our influence is bound within the essence of the clan, Do not touch it's roots. We will return if needed, if the tree is shaken or unsteady.

Laws will be as constant as the northern star as well, only stories may be added.

These are the terms of the Primogenship which I have handed down, trespass and you will be punished.

Leaving, but never gone."

This was the last notice to Ori'cle before Aeshatter's leaving- And the basis of Babyboy's Removal. He altered laws of the main code.