Wind Temple event

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Also known as the Wind God event , this was an storyline event where the Wind spirits attacked when the Wind armor quest was released.


The Legend of the Warriors of Han and their Wind Temple

"Legend tells of a once mighty temple where the winds roamed free. A temple of great power, with three great leaders. Many hundred of years before the birth of Yuri a great battle was fought between the spirits that live in the temple and a fierce tribe of warriors from the central plains of Han. After many years of war the warriors finally managed to trap the winds leaders in the several powerful altars.

With the winds enslaved the warriors used great sails to harness the power of the winds, to float from place to place, silently and swiftly. They were able to sneak up on their enemies without being noticed, ambushing people, and quickly managed to capture great areas of land, which eventually formed the Han empire.

To protect their slaves from being stolen by other tribes they used the power of the winds they harnessed to take the temple up into the sky, high above the ground, and amongst the clouds. As the years passed the warriors slowly died out, leaving the secrets of the temple behind them.

Until now these were simply thought to be myths, and tales of drunkards. However, with the appearance of the wind spirits and the talk of the temple is it possible that the stories are true? We need to find this temple, and gain the power of the Warriors of Han!"

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

The Drought

Dear Citizens,

A strange drought has come across the land, the 10th moon is usually a very rainy time for the kingdoms of Koguryo, and Buya. To the north in the Arctic lands, the snow has not fallen for several days. Fishermen in the town of Hausson are having problems setting sail, as the wind does not fill their sails any more. I traveled to the highest peak in the land, and from there I searched the sky looking for clouds to bring rain to the land, but I could not find any.

The Wind spirits that have invaded our home grow in numbers, and by their own words say they grow in strength. Physical power is not everything, the winds seems to have turned against us, and their strength is in their ability to control the weather.

How does one fight the wind? When a Wind spirit is attacked it eventually dissipates, only to gather again in another place to continue its attack. I can find no way to fight the winds, is this the battle that we can not win? I hate to sound defeated, but has the end of the Kingdoms arrived?

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

The Wind Gods Appear

The Wind Gods Hanuman, Hwanung, and Tangun appeared after being un-sealed due to the actions of the citizens who mistaken believed freeing them would appease the Wind spirits and stop the violence.

The Wind Gods

Several months had gone by in the kingdoms without a single gust of wind. The climate was becoming rapidly unbearable, and, due to the lack of wind, deadly - the rivers had actually run dry.

It was the summer of year 45 of Yuri's reign. The legendary Wind Armor had been discovered by the citizens. As the wind seemed to have abandoned the citizens, they wondered where it went - and if it were to ever return to the lands again. Unfortunately, they were all deceived by the wind.

The wind began to roam in the cities in the form of apparition-like spirits. Attacking anyone and everyone on sight, they were a dangerous hazard to the younger citizens. However, they were quite weak and could be defeated by a seasoned warrior - but it would take some time to do so. Still, the citizens began to wonder just what was going on with the wind...

The cries of a mighty power shook the lands. Hanuman, as he called himself, wasn't even human. He was a ruler of the wind - a Wind God. Hanuman was a disgruntled spirit, and he set out to prove just who controlled the winds. Hanuman opened a temple of wind just north of the village in the Arctic - in order to get there, citizens had to devise a method in which to sail across the wind. Citizens rushed into the temple, not knowing what would become of themselves. Hanuman summoned Wind Apparitions to combat the citizens as they moved deeper and deeper within the temple. As they were made of the wind, these spirits were weak in strength and made easy targets for many citizens - which hunted them mainly for the valuable items that they dropped when destroyed.

Citizens soon discovered that their only true source of power - magic - was unable to be cast in the temple, as there had been a barrier surrounding the temple to block any magic from entering. Solving riddles to move deeper within the temple and sacrificing seemingly useless items to the altars at what seemed like a dead end, citizens were able to to advance. When citizens were permitted to advance into the next area, they had unbeknownst awakened yet another Wind God - first Hwanung, and then Tangun. Hwanung and Tangun attempted to stop Hanuman from attacking the citizens - but, their attempt failed; Hwanung and Tangun became allies of Hanuman.

However, all hope was not lost. As citizens moved even deeper within the temple, the seemingly useless and weak spirits held with them a fragment of the wind. With the power of these Wind Fragments and the help of a carpenter, an arrow infused with the power of the wind could be created. Excited, many citizens grabbed their bows that they had not used for quite some time, and began to attack the wind spirits that were roaming the city streets. Sure enough, luck paid off - the spirits vanished, and left behind was a single stone, infused with the power of the wind. A great prize, but what would the citizens do with these useless stones? The Chongun Audi was the first to discover that these Wind Stones could be placed at the altars of each of the Wind Gods, to seal their power within the temple once again.

Disgruntled as Hanuman had been before, the ruler of the Wind Gods, named Jae-Wha, ordered his minions to attack the heart of the citizens - the kingdoms of Buya and Koguryo. The wind blew fiercely through the kingdoms, shattering foundations and toppling structures that have been in the kingdoms for what seemed like an eternity. Minions flooded clan halls and subpath circles as powerful winds damaged the cities.

The citizens became very worried. They wondered what would happen to their beloved countries - and if these Wind Gods could be the end of all life in the Nexus. With the threat of extinction in mind, many citizens taunted Hanuman, Hwanung, Tangun and Jae-Wha, wanting to see just how powerful they were. The four appeared at different locations within the two kingdoms and slaughtered anyone who dared to oppose their ultimate strength.

Massacre was enough for Prince M'hul and Princess Lasahn to take action against these forces of evident evil. They rallied the armies together for the next time that Hanuman would appear.

Jae-Wha was surrounded by the strength of the community and, being the only mortal, was slain by the combined strength of several of the strongest mages, warriors, rogues and poets.

Hanuman, Hwanung and Tangun were surprised at the seemingly immediate loss of their master. Filled with rage, they attacked the citizens for all that they could - even if it would drain their immortality. With their weakening power due to the loss of their master, Hanuman and Hwanung were slain.

However, there was still one more. Princess Lasahn of Buya faced Tangun in a final showdown. The two ran towards each other - and with a final slice of Lasahn's blade, Tangun was slain.

Unfortunately, although the Wind Gods were slain, their fierce storms had taken a devastating toll on the cities. A council of the kingdoms' master smiths, carpenters, and tailors met together to discuss what was to be re-built that was destroyed by the Wind Gods. The engineers, artisans, and architects of the kingdoms worked for free with the council at a rapid pace.

The work of these artisans lasted for what seemed like an eternity. The members ignored sleep, hunger and thirst to re-design the cities for the citizens. Finally, after several days of work in a locked, private room, the members of the council emerged with their grand plans for a new Kugnae and Buya.

The plans called for extravagant redesigns to the signature architecture of both kingdoms, with equal attention given to both. They called for the repair of city walls, a full replanting of grass and flora in the kingdoms, a repaving of damaged roads, and new facades to replace those of the heavily-damaged palaces of Kugnae and Buya. Taking advantage of the construction effort, they used the opportunity to also build a flood-control project by paving the rivers, channels, lakes, and waterways in both towns.

Hundreds of citizens donated their time, effort and supplies to help with the re-building of their kingdoms. They were all issued certificates of gratitude for their volunteer work, which are proudly on display in their legends.

And so, the Wind Gods had been defeated and peace was once again restored to the Nexus. The evil that once threatened their very existence had finally left. The rivers flowed once again -- in newly-paved channels -- and the cities had been rebuilt. The Wind Gods were never heard from ever again.

-Historian Quantao

How the event worked

Players had to enter the Wind Temple. Inside the Wind Temple there was a field that suppressed magical power, so players could not cast spells. Even spell-casters had to fight off the enemies using their regular melee attacks. However, after unsealing the shrines of the Wind Gods, players were able to use spells inside, but the Wind Gods escaped and rampaged the cities.

When defeated, the Wind spirits dropped Starburst quivers, Titanium Gloves, Sen Gloves, Whisper Bracelets, Holy rings, Surges, Charms, Bloods and Spikes!

The Wind spirits and Wind Gods attacked the cities, destroying them. Even after they were defeated we had to donate supplies to rebuild them.


  • One player actually reported the event characters to the Justice system for PVPing people.

  • Although this event released Wind armor quest, it was generally disliked by players. The drop rate of the Wind spirits was extremely high. Because they dropped rare boss drops and carnage prizes, these items lost a huge amount of market value, literally flooding the market. Prior to this these items had each been worth 50,000 to 200,000 each. Many players had their main and alternate character's banks just filled with these items, so they became worth about 5,000 to 10,000 coins for years after this event, which is less than what it cost to attend a carnage for an Il san character.