This is a vote to make this page deprecated. This page will be almost impossible to maintain and its funtionality nearly placed by Special:Allpages. If no objections are recieved here by 2/10/06, this page will cease to exist. --Zaventh 14:30, 3 Feb 2006 (EST)
- I think the Glossary serves a different purpose than Special:Allpages. The Glossary specializes in terminology, words and expressions, but not things. For example, Flameblade would not appear in the Glossary. In addition, the Glossary can contain links to articles that don't yet exist, thus motivating contributions to the wiki and also allowing people to request articles. I vote for the Glossary to stay.-- PhantomSnake
09:56, 9 Feb 2006 (EST)
- We'll need more votes to make a decision either way here. However, perhaps if to keep this page it should be renamed to "Terminology" rather than a Glossary. Glossary just seems more all-encompassing which I would expect to find more than just terminology in. --Zaventh 10:30, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Agreed that we'll need more votes, also for changing the name. Glossary is the most appropriate name in my opinion. To support my opinion, I present the following definition of "glossary" from Wikipedia: A glossary is a list of terms with the definitions for those terms... In a more general sense, a glossary contains explanations of concepts relevant to a certain field of study or action. Some examples of glossaries on other wikis:,, and PhantomSnake
14:33, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Agreed that we'll need more votes, also for changing the name. Glossary is the most appropriate name in my opinion. To support my opinion, I present the following definition of "glossary" from Wikipedia: A glossary is a list of terms with the definitions for those terms... In a more general sense, a glossary contains explanations of concepts relevant to a certain field of study or action. Some examples of glossaries on other wikis:,, and PhantomSnake
- Alright. I retract my vote to remove this page. I think it does have unique value. However, this page should not be a substitute for the Special:Allpages page. --Zaventh 10:36, 24 Feb 2006 (EST)