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Heroes Carnage

The Heroes Carnage was one of the most hardcore Riches contests in all of Nexus during the games hayday. It was designated for levels 36-65 but it eventually would be combined with Glory after poor participation numbers, therein eliminating the niche, division, and the need for players to create Heroes characters. For years it was considered a division only maxed by the most hardcore of carnage junkies because of it's poor prize selection but eventually evolved into one of the most revered and cherished divisions in nexus. Adventures was often over run with trouble making alts with the most hilarious of names. Like Adventures, it was originally thought that Heroes was primarily a "rogue carnage" however over the years it evolved into one of the most balanced divisions in nexus as every path held significant importance.

Double Metal Orbs

Like with most new items and events, Carnage junkies analyze every new item that comes into the Nexus Kingdom and assesses its value in the world of carnages. It was discerned that because of its extreme damage additions that the Metal Orb would finally put an end to the common double whisper bracelet setup most carnage goers used at the time (A few rich patrons went with double Hunters gloves) the only problem was that a character could only obtain 1 metal orb at a time. So a few weeks after the release of the event saw a great purge of Heroes characters where the owners purposley deleted their characters so they could re-create them a month down the road and use their old bonded orb, with a new quested one together finally evening the playing field between the rich and the resourceful. Unfortunatley the plan was kiboshed when the Carnage staff mandated only one orb could be used per carnage contest. Rich 1. Poor 0.

The Greatest of All Time

Top 20 "tops" from each path of all time:

Adventures Rogues

Preliminary list: No order (Please give suggestions)

Askani,Lodin,GoSlamacamel (DerekSmart), Leet (Texas Ranger), Kioshiyo, Xrealmx, Leetcrew, Leetcrewz, Liver, Hestia, Aboom, ucantcme, icanseeu, obs rogue, spiders rogue, zyxoth, oprah, Leetx, Mopple, Pezwin, splders rogue, BankofBorf, Rhonabrwy,


Xtrajex, Gull's mage, ProfessorVex, Splder's mage,


thehockeyboy, changsu



Working on

Key items

Working on


Working on


A vintage theme was implemented by the Carnage department to try and appease some of the longstanding glory die-hards and used as an attempt to try and ressurect the nostalgia, where only "vintage" items could be used. Too many of the die-hards moved on, and the new theme did not catch on with the newer population for the attempt to be considered a success.