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Adventure Carnage

The Adventures Carnage was one of the most hardcore Riches contests in all of Nexus during the games hayday. It was designated for levels 6-35 but it eventually would be combined with Heroes, therein eliminating the niche and division. For years it was considered a division only maxed by the most hardcore of carnage junkies because of it's poor prize selection and tendency for patrons to level up their "noobs". Adventures was often over run with trouble making alts with the most hilarious of names, it was the one true fighter division, where Mages and Poets served no real purpose.

Warriors and Starbursts

Starbursts were for the longest time thought to be a useless item as they could deal very little damage. It wasn't until TheHockeyBoy revolutionized Adventures that their true purpose was unveiled. It was discovered that starbursts if used by warriors could 1 hit even maxed rogues (the most fierce of hunters). It was unstoppable and made Warriors a revered class in this noob carnage. The effectivness of starbursts were petitioned by a number of participants and eventually outlawed in low-level carnages.

The Greatest of All Time

Top 20 "tops" from each path of all time:

Adventures Rogues


Working on

Key items

Working on


Working on


A vintage theme was implemented by the Carnage department to try and appease some of the longstanding glory die-hards and used as an attempt to try and ressurect the nostalgia, where only "vintage" items could be used. Too many of the die-hards moved on, and the new theme did not catch on with the newer population for the attempt to be considered a success.