Spirit stone quest

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Requirements: Level 55, and you must have the spell Vex

1. Go to the Nagnang Mage hall at 127, 35 Nagnang. It is easiest to get to by going to the East gate and North.

2. Speak to Wand, and choose the option "Mage Stone"

3. He will talk of three Prophets who live to the north of the Mage guild. They are located at 132, 23 Nagnang.

4. When you go inside, go to the top of the cave. There will be 3 doors. Starting at the left, there is Yin, then Yang, and finally Void. There are Rats above each door.

5. In order to get the Prophets to speak with you, you must cast Vex on one of the Rats, and zap it. It will die. Then, go into the room and speak to the Prophet.

6. When you speak with Yin, he will ask you to gather a Rose for him.

7. When you speak to Yang, he will ask you to get a piece of Ore [high] for him.

8. And finally, Void will ask you to go to the Cemetary located south of the southern gate of Kugnae and walk around. Go in to one of the tombs. Keep doing so until you recieve a popup from one of the spirits dwelling there. Listen to what the spirit has to say, and then go back to Void.

9. To finish, you must go back to Wand, and click on the "Mage Stone" option. You will recieve a new Legend mark: "Family to the Nangen Mages" and a Spirit stone!