Shaman Services

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Shaman Serviecs

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                         ~*~  Shaman Services We Offer~*~

                 :List of Shaman who perform Shaman Weddings:

Izabella Bakuhatsu BeffyCabeza JerzeyKat PrincesReina Ravenstar StriGoi Widget WillowSpeak Yokiro Llevan NeoCloud LordSyntrax DigitalAngel PrincesAngel Maevalia GridViper Sebelle February SilentJoe

Shaman Wedding- Contact any of these Shaman with an nmail, and

               list the day you want and the time. To be fair,
               as we all don't have the same schedules,
               include an alternate date and or time.
               The Fee- 50 Dark and 50 Regular Ambers
             :List of Shaman 'Guides' to assist in Kindred Spirits:
             Izabella Bakuhatsu BeffyCabeza PrincesReina Ravenstar 
             Sebelle StriGoi Widget 
 Kindred Spirits- Must be married/blood brother-blood sister
                  at least 5 yuris.  
                  The Fee- 200k and 1 Angel Tear per 5 yuri's.
Totem Spirit Revealed- This quest can be read on the CotW board
                       in either Palace
Ceremonial Fire - This quest can be read on the CotW board in either 
Medicine Wheel - This quest can be read on CotW in either Palace,
                 and/or Comm events board.
Spirit Drum - Quest can be found on CotW board in either Palace..
Coming Soon: - Ritual stones (portable ritual circle)
               Quest -- Watch for details

`|zabella Amun

 Shaman Elder
 Shaman Subpath