Masai Tournament

From NexusWiki

The Do Masai is a fighting tournament created with the initial intent of offering a option to those who did not enjoy the predominant PK events such as the Carnage and Bloodlust. This is done by changing the focus from that of a large scale battle between a small number of teams, to small groups who would fight either in a FFA (Free For All) format or an elimination style Tournament. The point of which was to put the focus on team based tactics and fighting skill, and in essence create an event that is about competition and the best team winning, not just luck or statistical ability.

The Do Masai Tournament was founded in Yuri 50 by then Master, now Do Elder Masana. The name was created by then Do Master Sinsation and is translated roughly as "Blade Master Tournament". Masana is still the host of the Masai to this day. Those who are victorious in the Masai are awarded with a brand showing thier win "Victorious in # Do Masai Tournaments" and traditionally the captain of the winning team is awarded the Honor Laurel a helmet that represents thier victory.

Below is a comeplete listing of all current Do Masai rules. Bear in mind the rules are always being changed and considered as new abilities are created in the game, and new weapons or items made available.

1: Each team has three members, but each team can have no more than 2 warriors, 2 Rogues, 1 poet, or 1 mage. So a valid team could be... Warrior/Poet/Mage or Warrior/Rogue/Rogue, but not Rogue/Poet/Poet. Also you MUST elect a team captain.

2: Spells: Any spell that changes a person's dye, or makes them appear like a different person is not allowed. If the shape changes to something that is blatantly not human in appearance (like a Barbarian transforming into a wolf, or a Chongun becoming their "avatar" look) BUT retains the same dye it is fine. ANY form of rez is illegal. Finally, any form of summon is against the rules UNLESS the match comes down to two poets then each poet is allowed 1 cow only, or in the case of a poet being the last living team member they are allowed 3 cows only. Also SLEEP and BLIND traps are NOT allowed, all other forms of traps are 100% legal. The only notable exception is the 58-98 Masai in which the Ranger trap is also illegal, it is legal in all other Masai levels. Beyond that, everything is game.

3: Scoring: Obviously if one team is wiped out by another the surviving team wins, but should members of both teams remain or it be an FFA where multiple teams are still in scoring is done like so... Warrior/Rogue = 1 point, Poet/Mage = 2 points, and the elected team captain is worth an extra 1 point. So if you defeated the team captain of your enemy who was a mage and a warrior on their team you would score 4 points. If points turn out to be equal there will be a sudden death match to break the tie. Points are scored by what team members are DEAD who killed them is NOT factored in the case of an FFA.

4: Time limit and pre-fight: Each round has a 7 minute time limit the enforcement of this time limit is at the complete discretion of the host. Each round begins on a three count, when "3" is called the round starts. Prior to a round starting a team may cast defensive spells on themselves, or cast any other aiding spells like furies. Teams may NOT cast any spell on an opponent, pre-trap the arena, or turn invisible before the round starts.

5: Special poet rule: If a match should come down to two poets they will both summon 1 cow only. They are then allowed to cast any spells they want on their cow or their opponents EXCEPT they are not allowed to physically harm their opponent's cow by spell or physical attack. Once the cows begin fighting each other the poets are not allowed to heal either cow. The surviving cow is the winner, and their poet wins the match.

6: Sudden death rules: Sudden death is very simple. All tied teams resurrect and heal to full strength and begin a round like normal. The winner of the sudden death is determined differently though. The first team to inflict a casualty on any of their opponents involved in the sudden death wins, and as a result wins the round. There is no time limit for a sudden death round. All other rules are the same.

7: Substitutions: If for whatever reason a team should lose a member in the middle of a Masai because they had to leave, log off, choose to do something else, etc they are allowed to bring in a substitute fighter within certain guidelines. The new team member must be the same point value as the old member, so if the old member was a Rogue and the team captain that the new member must be either a Warrior or a Rogue and automatically becomes team captain. Also the team construction rules must still be followed, AKA you can't lose a Poet and replace them with a Mage if you already have a Mage on the team. If a team member leaves the team they will forfeit their right to the win and will receive no credit for winning if their team goes on to win that nights Masai. Once a team is entered no team member may be "voted" off, but if a team member leaves and tries to return it is at the discretion of the team if they are allowed to rejoin, if they do rejoin their replacement must leave the team and they then forfeit their rights to the win. Final note… at least one team member from the original team must remain any team that subs all it's original members out will be disqualified from the Masai.

8: Potions / scrolls / etc, are illegal and not allowed. No item that heals vita is allowed, but items that restore mana only are legal.

9: There is a 3k entry fee per team. In other words, 1k per team member.

10: Saying "Thank you" to Kuk-Sa ((the arena NPC)) as a means of healing yourself is illegal.

11: All weapons, armor, rings, and helms are allowed. The only exception is the Sleep Arrow which is ILLEGAL, all other arrows are fair game.

12: Spectators are encouraged to attend and cheer for their favorite team or friends but they are not allowed to cast spells on combatants, attack anyone either in or outside the pit, and may not stand on the sides of the pit or block the entry staircase.

13: All paths are allowed.

14: The entire winning team is branded with the "Victorious in Do Masai" mark and the team captain is given the helmet known as an Honor Laurel. A player may only win one Honor Laurel ever, if the team captain has already won the helmet they elect what team member wins it in their stead. If every team member has won the helmet before than no Honor Laurel is awarded for that Masai.

15: Masai divisions and schedule: The Masai divisions are as follows- Sam San +, Ee San ONLY, Il San ONLY, 99 ONLY, and 58-98. The higher the stat bracket of a division the earlier it is hosted, so Sam san is hosted first week of the month, Ee second, and so on and so forth. The 58-98 division is only held at host discretion and is not considered a "regular" division. Each character can enter one Masai a month, this is by character not player. If you should have 3 characters all three can each enter one Masai. Note that no one may enter a division below them, for example Hance a Sam San Barbarian may only enter the Sam san division but Montou a 99 Mage CAN enter the Il San division. In addition you may only enter one division above you, so while Montou the 99 Mage can enter the Il San Division he can NOT enter the Ee or Sam San Masai. The one Masai a month per character rule does apply to this though, so should you choose to enter a higher division you may not then later enter your normal division in that same month.

16: Masai Division Placement: First an entrants Title is considered, do they have any san mark, if so which? Secondly the person's abilities ((stats)) are factored. If the person should have power that places them in a higher ranking than their title they go into this new higher rank, if they do not then they go into rank by title. In addition abilities are counted separately meaning if you do not go above in one or the other you are still ranked by title. Below are some examples....


An Il San title Warrior tries to enter Masai but has fished to below the Il San "limits" they default to the Il San Division because of title even if they do not meet the raw ability requirement anymore.

An Il San title Rogue tries to enter Masai and has the statistical abilities of an Ee San they fall into the Ee San Division.

An Ee San Poet is one point below the Sam San ability mark in both Vita and Mana, he is still ranked in the Ee San Division as per his title.

Divisions by "stats" (numbers are in vita; halve these for the mana equivalent)

99: Final Insight ((99)) - 159,999 Il San: 160,000 - 319,999 Ee San: 320,000 - 639,999 Sam San: 640,000 and up

All entrants will be required to wear a "peasant" level armor when registering along with no hand items, helmets, or shields. In addition they will each be inspired by a poet and healed to their maximum health before being judged for division. Anyone found cheating to enter a division they do not belong in will be permanently banned from Do Masai and any win marks they have will be stripped.