Chu Rua Quest

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The Chu Rua quest is part of the Tutorial, it's a new players first chance for a Legend mark.
To start the quest, locate Dak-Ho standing outside (047,195). He is located northeast of the Path halls.

Click on him to see what he offers.

If you're completely new to the game, feel free to click "Raise and Lower your voice!" it will go over the in-game commands to shout and whisper. Otherwise, click "Chu Rua Quest" to get started, after a brief dialogue you will be transported to Dae Shore!

At the Shore

You will see a turtle casually sitting here. This is Chu Rua, after clicking on him you will be told that the king is sick and he needs some ginseng to help him! If you read carefully, you will see Chu Rua mention saying "Hello". Let's head north to see what's next.

Well now, here's a rabbit! Let's be friendly and say "Hello" like Chu Rua suggested.

Well if he wants to really know what we want, let's tell him! After some dialogue you will find out that he had some interaction with a Tiger deeper in the woods. Only thing to do now is continue on north.

Path to the Tiger

Well well well, what do we have here? A fork in the road!
Note: I believe you can say "Hello" to the rock to get some more useful information. I forgot and skipped that part, if anyone gets a SS of that feel free to add it and remove this note.

So at this point, we're going to go left up the path. Continue on north through the following screen.

Aha! This must be the tiger that the rabbit spoke of! You can start off by saying "Hello" and "Ginseng" to the tiger, however, he only responds with saying how much he'd rather eat you. Ok, well we don't want to be eaten, so let's think of something a bit more appetizing, say "Rabbit". You will find out that the rabbit trapped the tiger in a pit and he's not very happy about it. He asks where the rabbit is, the best answer being in the Forest. The tiger will wander off looking for the rabbit, leaving you to look for the ginseng!

Walk back and forth heading north and you'll eventually get a popup saying you found it between a couple of rocks. Great! Now that we've got the ginseng we can head all the way back south and speak with Chu Rua again.
Note: When you speak with him, you will be thanked and given a Sea ring along with some xp, karma, and your first legend mark. Congrats!