Barbarian Traits Part 2. By Angelicus

From NexusWiki

Other Barbarian Traits

Along with the three basic traits every Barbarian should have: Protect your Brethren, Survive all Challenges, and Humble your Foes, Barbarians usually develop many similar traits after (and sometimes before) they are brought home. These traits are: resentment against the cities and the monarchy system, and unique hunting and fighting styles.

Barbarians resent the towns and many of the townies simply because they are the pawns of three people. Mhul, Lasahn, and King Yuri have complete control over the lives of thousands of people. Barbarians are free spirited and believe in the equal rights of everyone; therefore they put no faith behind the Monarchy system. No man or woman should have complete control in what you do. The royal families and the majority of their subjects are our enemies. Because of this, the cities and the clans are no place for a Barbarian to call home. Even though this is true, Barbarians have come to admire and respect some of the men and women of the kingdoms and even learned to call them friends. It is very common for Barbarians to resent and even hate the kingdoms, but not all of its subjects.

Over the Yuris and because of our lack of a hunting fury given by the Chung Ryong, Barbarians have developed their own unique hunting style to improve their hunting tactics compared to the Dragon Warriors. Where Chung Ryongs rely on a raging-hard swing of their sword, Barbarians rely more on the rage of their Whirlwind and Berserk. Barbarians usually Whirlwind and Berserk without warning whenever the Aethers permit us to do so. This tactic is risky but very affective.

Barbarians also have a unique fighting style as well. Barbarians will call upon each other to overwhelm and overcome our enemies. The only people Barbarians try to rely on are each other and their allies. The hypocrites complain when they are defeated because they are outnumbered, but usually it is the Barbarian who was outnumbered in the first place. This is not always true but it is very common. Townies cannot complain about something they will do whenever it serves their purpose. In no way is protecting your family in numbers dishonorable and it is encourage able for any man with honor to do so. Barbarians refuse to sit by and watch their family be overtaken, why would anyone else want to?

Most Barbarians develop a few simple traits after they have aged and matured in the family some, these traits are: resentment for the monarchy, and a unique hunting and fighting style.

Written By Wolven Scribe Angelicus