Tako Maze

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The Tako Maze

The Tako Maze (also known as Takos) is a very popular spot for quickly levelling new characters from level 11 to 60. This is due to several reasons, the Tako that live in the Tako Maze do not attack, the high amount of experience recieved by lower level characters, and the relative low risk for weaker players. The only threat to lower level characters would be from Snakes, which are easily managed by their higher-level hunting partners.

The Tako return 150k exp to level 99 characters, and this is proportionally lower as the level is reduced.

The Tako Maze is located in the Woodlands.

Instructions & Coordinates for the Tako Maze -

Go to Nagnang
Gateway to West Gate
Proceed to 001,114 (Path to Woodlands Entrance)
Proceed to 001,018 (Path to Woodlands)
Proceed to 101,147 (Entrance to Flooded Fortress)
Head Directly South to Coordinates 015,058 (Entrance to Shallow Passage)
Enter the Door on the other side of this U-Shaped Room at Coordinates 014,001 (Entrance to Swamped Stadium)
Head directly north to coordinates 015,001 (Entrance to Dividing Paths)
Head either right or left in this divided room - 002,001 will take you to the western entrance of the maze

Inhabitants of the Tako Maze

Coral Serpent
Silver Serpent
Gold Serpent
Seaweed Serpent
Reef Snake
Sun Snake
Sea Snake
Fire Eel