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Captain Bluestone was an event character villain. Bluestone was a pirate and he has appeared in every Pirate event to date, although he has recently fallen in battle to Princess Lasahn.

Character Biography


Bluestone was born in a poor fishing village on the shores of Ilbon (Japan). The men of the village could no longer sustain themselves and their families with fishing. When Bluestone came of age, he resolved he would go hungry no more. He gathered the most likely lads of the village and struck out as a band of brigands, waylaying passing travelers and robbing them. At last the local Shogun tired of Bluestone's predations and drove him out of the region. Bluestone and his men wandered Japan, beset by angry warlords. Finally he was forced to board a ship and leave the Island of Honshu.

Now he resumed his career as an outlaw, but instead of highwaymen, he and his men became wolves of the sea, feasting on merchant seamen and the rich cargo their vessels brought from around the world.

As he captured ships, Bluestone selected the strongest and most daring for his crew and slaughtered the rest. Soon he had an armada of ships, and an army of men. He grew powerful enough to rob the coastal villages of Korea.

Meanwhile, Kugnae and Buya prospered and grew. As the sheep grows fat, so the wolves gather, says the ancient Korean proverb. Just so Bluestone eyed the wealth of the twin kingdoms. At last his strength was great enough to attack. At times he bested the citizens, but always at last Kugnae and Buya's brave defenders would drive him out.

Some of his men would stay behind, and marry and settle in one of the kingdoms. He gathered new recruits from the more adventurous citizens. So Bluestone and the pirates became forever linked with Kugnae and Buya. He always returns, to fight or to rest from a battle elsewhere. Each time the black sails are sighted, the people of Kugnae and Buya don't know if they are in for a fight or a fair, a plundering or a party, but they know when Bluestone is in town there is always an adventure.

-Museum Caretaker

Pirate Raids

To the east of Koguryo stretches a great blue sea, countless creatures below its depths. But sometimes it's the dangers above the sea that prove more challenging.

While the kingdom was rebuilding its losses from Sagu's attack, scouts near the shoreline spotted a ship in the distance bearing the pirate Bluestone's flag. Some citizens were already familiar with the pirates' past marauding. From the island of Ilbon (Japan), these greed-driven men and women have looted many towns in their relentless path.

The troops were called together, the citizens banded in preparation of the raid as the ship approached the shore with the steady wind. Some stayed back to defend the kingdom's treasures while others pushed forward with an offensive strategy, determined to hunt down the captain of these pirates.

Yet to the surprise of the Kogurians, Bluestone was nowhere to be found. In his place was Blackgut, whose strength was that of a hundred men. Many were lost, but the citizens of Koguryo fought to the death, assisted by Prince M'hul, until the vicious Blackgut was destroyed. Soon after, the remaining pirates retreated from the kingdom and returned to their scouting ship, bringing their loot and their assessment of the kingdom's defenses to Bluestone, unbeknownst to the Kogurians.

Months later, Bluestone himself did indeed join his pirates as they returned to pillage the kingdom of its riches. They took the route through the Vale, slaying anyone who could not stand up to their strength and stealth. Those who did manage to defeat the pirates which stood in their way were able to give them a taste of their own medicine and raid some of the pirates' own treasure chests.

Despite the brave battling of countless warriors and magic users, the pirates were not defeated for good just yet. They gathered what goods they stole heartlessly from the kingdom and sailed off to seek better prospects in other lands.

Bluestone and the Amulet

The kingdom of Buya, now governed by Princess Lasahn, daughter of King Senshi, had grown steadily in population over the years. But along with the growing independence came the inevitable tensions between the neighboring kingdoms. Several anti-Buyan factions, lead by Primogen Genji of the Sun Moon Sect, had instigated many skirmishes between Kogurians and Buyans. The air had thickened further with suspicion and prejudice when Princess Lasahn mysteriously vanished. Accusations flew at Sun Moon, Prince Mhul, and countless others in Koguryo.

Two months passed by while attempts at diplomacy rapidly failed before Lasahn was found, weary and disheveled, upon the sands of Dae Shore. The tale she told of her daring escape was not from any Kogurian, as was expected, but from the foul Ilbon Pirates that hoped to cause war between the two kingdoms to serve as distraction. In the years since the Great Shift, the kingdoms had grown prosperous, and word of their riches reached these scoundrels, luring them to pillage the towns once again.

Lasahn warned that the pirates would not leave themselves open to vulnerability this time. They had found a small island to hide their treasures away from the citizens that might seek them out. Kogurian and Buyan alike went in search of the Pirates' ship, determined they would not make it to the kingdoms to pillage again. The island was found, despite the trouble the Ilbon pirates had gone through and many new treasures were claimed. Something was different this time, though. This was Bluestone's ship, but where was Bluestone? The pirates retreated without anyone ever catching a glimpse of the infamous pirate captain.

Yet it wasn't long before the ship's flags were seen again. An old Sea Witch from a nearby island told of visions her inner eye could see. She spoke of the pirate ship sailing to a Hidden Isle to regain strength and hide treasure gained in past battles. Among the treasure was a Magic Amulet, a withered monkey's paw taken from a fakir in the Hindu lands to the west. Bluestone had tried to weild it, but his will was too weak and it enslaved him, releasing terrible creatures. After divulging her vision, the Sea Witch returned to her small island.

The ship docked at Dae Shore and hundreds of citizens boarded, eager to fight off the persistent pirates once again, and profit from doing so, but these pirates were no longer fierce and fearless. They were terrified. Any who struck them would not be met with a fight, but witness the scrubs running for their lives. Finding items such as life jackets and compasses, the adventurous set out to see the Sea Witch and seek her advice. For a price, she gave directions to the Hidden Isle, a place of exotic creatures and terrible dangers.

The evil horde that was unleashed by the Amulet was in the form of vicious monkeys with a lust for blood. Even the strongest fighters of the kingdoms could hardly withstand the cruel teeth and claws of these terrible beasts without the magic of the Sea Witch to help disguise them. But now, not only were they on the island, but the monkeys had somehow invaded the sacred shrines of the totems within the Wilderness, slaughtering the innocent, young and old, who ventured near.

It was deep within a cave upon the Hidden Island that Bluestone was found. His mind clouded by the hold of the amulet upon him, he did his best to communicate with those who found him. Only by helping the once-feared Bluestone could the kingdoms save themselves. The Sea Witch helped many citizens form crystals that when gathered in number, would drive the horde of monkeys back to the netherworld from which they came. The monkeys vanished from the shrines, the rift from the Wilderness to the source of power within the island's cave was sealed, and Bluestone was returned to his ship. Silently, the Ilbon captain and his crew sailed away, perhaps a little wiser to the dangers the unknown might bring.

Bluestone Vs. Chan Lee

(5/20/2004)- Pirate invasion - As dawn broke over the sea, the merchants of Hausson felt the air get heavy. Then, without warning, a pirate landing party raided the small island town.

The dreaded pirate Bluestone was back with his ship and hoards of pirates! Beware all who travel to the island of Hausson, there be pirates are back!

(5/22/2004)- Chan Lee and The Panda arrive - As if the invasion of Bluestone’s pirates on the island of Hausson was not enough a second ship has now arrived. Chan Lee captains The Panda, and his men have landed and taken to fighting with the pirates of Bluestone.

The fighting has now spilled over, and has spread as far as Dae Shore. Beware all who enter the shore, for the battle is raging!

5/25/2004)- Pirates depart - At dawn this morning Bluestone lifted anchor, and sailed off from the coast of Hausson . Chen Lee and his group plundered some foods and supplies from around the land, and then quickly gave chase again to Bluestone and his ship.

What will happen to them, or what secrets Bluestone was keeping, we may never know. For now peace and tranquility have returned, as well as our messengers.

Bluestone Raids Again

9/3/2004)- Dae Shore under attack - In the early hours of the morning the pirate ships snuck all the way up to the shores of Koguryo and started to invade the Dae shore. The landing force itself is not that strong, however four pirate ships also supports.

Unlike pirate invasions in the past these ships seem content to sit just out of reach of the brave defenders, and use their long range cannons to fire upon the citizens.

Be careful if you go near the seas today, there are pirates, thieves, and general scum around!

Interesting facts

  • Although intended to be a villain, some players viewed Bluestone as an anti-hero. In the duel with Princess Lasahn, many citizens cheered for Bluestone hoping that he would win.
  • Bluestone's son was revealed to be Xiou, Princess Lasahn's fiance.
  • Bluestone was a Rogue