King Yuri

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The King of Koguryo. Ruled Koguryo for 82 years. Died on the eve of Yuri 83 (30 June 2006).

Royal Family

Brother to Prince Sagu, who was corrupted by the evil witch Mupa. King Yuri eventually ordered his brother to be captured into the Onyx, with the help of the Sea Nymph. Sagu was later released, through the shattering of this onyx the twelve subpaths were formed.

Father of two sons. His first son was killed, his second son Prince MuHyul (M'Hul) succeeded him as King of Koguryo in early Yuri 83 (07 July 2006).

Early Life

King Yuri became the King of Koguryo at age 18 and ruled for 82 years until his death at age 100.




Despite many attempts upon his life, King Yuri died due to old age.