Il San

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Revision as of 03:44, 1 February 2007 by Daiga (talk | contribs)

Il San is the first mark of power in Nexus.

Il San Quest

  • Either 160,000 vitality or 80,000 mana is required to begin this quest.
  • The following trials must be passed in order to attain Ee San:
    • The First Trial of Knowledge - Sacrifice 1,200,000 (1.2 Billion) experience to Bon-Hwa.
    • The First Trial of Strength - Kill the Spirit Rat.
    • The First Trial of Skill - Win 6 Riches carnages.
    • The First Trial of Wealth - Sacrifice 800,000 (Eight hundred thousand) coins and 5 Well-crafted White Ambers to Bon-Hwa.

Additional Information

  • Il San allows the learning of new spells, a path specific title of "Il San", and enchantment of items and weapons either forged or created at the Forever tree.
  • Once completed, you can increase your specific stats (will, grace, or might) dependent on your path at the cost of 100m per stat at Bon-Hwa.
  • A mark appears on your legend and two dot appears by your name on the Heroes list.