Tiger clan

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Tiger Clan Hall


Tiger's Primogen is FPickleDog. A complete list of their members can be found here. Also for more information visit the official website here.

An ancient tribe has come alive once again, to make home in Kugnae. We are a simple clan, with simple dreams. We wish to live happy lives, and help make our surroundings a better place. We are fearless in combat and loyal to our kingdom. We come with some small traditions, and great knowledge. Only trying to find a place to call home.

  • Must be a resident of Koguryo.
  • Must be level 50 or higher.
  • Must have not have been jailed within the last 8 Yuri's.
  • Must never have been jailed for murder, theft, attempted murder, or other serious crimes.
  • Must not be marked with any negative sub-path marks.



 :.Tiger Clan History.:


A Child grew up in Azure kingdom, somewhere near the region of Shilla. He was the son of Kauin and Sareua. Kauin his father named him "Tiger" Because of his early acts in childhood, he was fearless and would die for his family. They lived a normal life, following everyday patterns, living like the rest in the kingdom, until one day. Tiger decided to go off on his own, to make his own kingdom, to live his own life. He grabbed his Sabre, his walking stick and a sack of food and things he'll need for his journey. He left at the age of 18.

Meeting his future wife at a local tavern in Azure, she wanted to go with him, he agreed. They finally settled in a small valley off the borders of Han, there were many travelers through his valley, most went, but some stayed. Most people were welcome they only had to join Tiger's clan if they wanted to be a member of the community. The numbers grew over the years, his valley filled, with people living on the outer edges of the now town of tiger's. He came up with the name of Kauin, to name the town, in respect to his father. Tiger lived through all of his battles with Han. No one before claimed the land, that Kauin was on. Han thought it was theirs but, tiger held the great army of han, with his own, he had the advantage of the valley.

Tiger died at the age of 59, an assassination by one of Han's followers. The valley was renamed under Han's control, before it was taken over the valley was populated by over 300 members.

The clan lived on for Centuries, they were small in number only 40, to 60 at one time, it was to be held in sworn secrecy for Han would kill any that called them selves a part of the Tiger clan. The current leader of the clan, was Tousha, in the time of what would be Yuri 25, in the reign of Yuri. It was the time to move to a new kingdom, the one of Buya, but the people disagreed and said that were tired of city walls, and rules of the kingdom. A scout came back saying that there is a great place, called "Vale" in the kingdom of Buya, there are no rules and only the fittest survived. The clan agreed, and 46 members of them went to vale to start a home of their own.

Was a great place for the clan, had many resources and was a great place to live. The clan survived for nearly 7 Yuri's until a great army came, called the Sonhi. They came and killed any and everyone in their way, the Tiger clan's army was strong, but wasn't enough. Only one child by the age of 3 was left behind he was the son of Tousha, he was unseen as his mother died protecting him. His name was FireTiger.

The clan was dead for over 30 Yuri's, until Firetiger revived it, and from this day, history is being made...


Major Events In Tiger History

Ceremony of Honor

Twenty two tiger's in total, all together to celebrate the two year ceremony of Tiger.

"For many moons, the Tiger clan has been a vital part of Koguryan History. We have worked together and sweated together and tears have been shed. Our tears have been shared, If you haven't noticed, I have taken a large part of the Tiger treasury to finance the expedition, of searching for ancient Tiger relics. Relics that until recently, we thought were lost.

I have also with the efforts of Brother Kettsakatu the sacred smith from the land of Han, skilled in the ways of the weapons, have asked for him to forge some weapons to be passed down from Successor to Successor just as this Tiger sword is done. Brother Xero is not here, as of now. But with the aid of Kettsakatu we have crafted a special staff, to be handed from Primarch to Primarch. This weapon is very useful, and I am going to explain it's purpose and meaning, it is made from the finest oak sturdy and strong, heavy yet not flinching, the tip is of the finest mithril that any could find in these lands, it has taken Brother kettsakatu many years to Master it's crafting. I asked him to pursue this endeavour as long as a few others, 6 years ago. It is finally possible to unveil his work.

-The "Tiger Lance" is Unveiled-

Upon Xero's return to the clan hall he will be greeted warmly and maybe I can even poke him with the new lance.

This next weapon of splendour was forged with the power of the elements. Kettsakatu had to return to his homeland in Han to forge this weapon of greatness. It's force is united by the power of Seven Sacred Elements those of the factions of the conclave, Brother Lumiere, approach.

May the bearer of this sword lead the Conclave to peace and balance and direct the Heroes in a manner to be honoured and respected for lifetimes to come. I reveal to you... The conclave sword!

-The "Conclave sword" is revealed-

This next blade, of Kettsakatu's talents took him to the depths of the Tiger caverns and then to the Tiger guard room and then to the Palace of Storm It has been blessed by each of the leaders of those domains, I am most sure that this sword, will never fail it's possessor. Appears as art, even in the most unskilled users. It has been blessed with the potency of the Tiger. Brother Smirks, approach. This sword...The Shikari Edge is to dwell in the hands of the Shikari Sensei as a token of the passing of leadership. From Master to Student, as the Tiger sword is done.

-The Shikari Edge is revealed-

Now, For this, as I was saying earlier, the Merchant Guild has assisted me in the search of the old Kauin Village, I am pleased to announce they have been recovered. Locked away in a hidden cavern preserving their existence during the Sonhi invasion of Kauin. When you see these relics, you will know exactly what the represent. There were four sacred wardens in the village of Kauin by our positions that represent their values, character, and knowledge.

The Titan, Titan was a big man a...'really' big man. It was said he could hit an ox in the heart with one swing. Brother RCMP, has taken the role of the Titan to a new level. I admire his honesty, his leadership and his over all willingness to encourage his fellows. He is an overall good person to be around and I find it an honour for him to be the protector. Brother, ARSEEMPI, approach. This weapon was the hardest to conceal from RCMP, because he's a smart one. I share with you, Titan's Axe!

-Titan's axe revealed-

As with the other sacred weapons to come, this will be handed down to your student, then their successor and so forth. This next relic was one of the most difficult for the Merchant guild to recover, for the chest it was in actually gave poor Bart the Rabbit fever. Sister MagickBliss, come forward please. This weapon offers some magical powers to its user, but we all know Magick could probably 1 hit most of us here. I present to you, the Arcane's dagger.

-Arcane Dagger revealed-

This weapon, was found within an underground stream it was hidden quite possible in an old shrine of healing. We all know that Sage was a good person to all, and her healing powers we incomparable. Sister HealinKisses, this sacred object will be seen as a token of Sage's friendship. And of her ability to cure the most plagued and weary, may I present to you the Sage's Fan..

The last of the sacred relics, was from the cunning cutpurse...I mean 'agile' individual Adroit, the merchants said this treasure was booby trapped out the walls, In fact, poor Bart said he broke his toe retrieving. I present to you all, the Adroit's Sabre. This will be given to Sir Tidy, upon his return to the hall.

And now...

Let the Festival Begin!"

                         `Fifteen Year Tiger Clan Ceremony                       
                         `Transcribed by Crash

Clan Abilities

June 27, 2006:

Main Hall:

  • Bumsagi - Sells Sonhi Pipes, Does 'Quest', Clan Guest/Nuisance, and Goto Buya/Nagnang
  • PilSeung - Sells Tiger Helms, Kindred talismans, Withdraw/Depo Functions, Does Repairs, Send/Recieve Parcels, all Clan Administration functions.


  • Aunty - Rezzes, Dyes

New Kauin: (Crafting Area)

  • Alyeong - Weave/Tailor
  • Kumiho - Broadcast Events, Withdraw/Depo, Sells Smelting Agreements, Obsidian, and Limestone.

Sacred Sanctuary: (Conclave Faction Room)

  • ChinHwa - Gemmer

Pilseungs Parlor: (Events Room)

  • KoKura - Depo/Withdraw Clan Guest/Nuisance.



...Wish to join the Tiger Clan of Koguryo?...

An ancient tribe has come alive once again, to make home in Kugnae. We are a simple clan, with simple dreams. We wish to live happy lives, and help make our surroundings a better place. We are fearless in combat and loyal to our kingdom. We come with some small traditions, and great knowledge. Only trying to find a place to call home...

  • Must be a Resident of Koguryo.
  • Must be level 25 or higher.
  • Must have not have been jailed within the Last 8 Yuri's.
  • Must never have been jailed for Murder, Theft, Attempted Murder, or Other Serious Crimes.
  • Must not be marked with any negative sub-path marks.

((Check out our website for more information: http://www.freewebs.com/clantiger))

((Please Copy this Application and N-mail it to any Council Member )) //`.'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`.



Name of alts:(current and past)



Citizenship: (Must be a citizen of Koguryo, although you may change during the admissions process.)

The following must be answered(if applicable) in paragraph form using atleast 3 sentences.

Have you been in any other clans, if so which ones and why did you leave?

How long have you been in the Kingdom of the winds?(all characters)?

What can you bring to the Tiger Clan?

  • Explain*

Why did you pick the Tiger Clan over other clans?

  • Explain*

What do you expect/hope the Tiger Clan will give you?

  • Explain*

Do you have any red brandings? If so, how old?

Who invited you to Tiger, or told you about us?

Lastly, compose a roleplaying request unto the Tiger Clan Council in which we can judge your roleplay skill. It should be 1-3 paragraphs long and you would want to show your talent. Since Tiger is a Roleplaying Clan, prove that you will be sufficient in this area.

((End of Application))


       When your application is read, it will either be   
   accepted or declined. The Council of Tiger votes on 
   the applications on Friday of the week it was submitted.  
   You will be contacted either if you are accepted or 
   declined. Declined applications have questions that 
   were for some reason not accepted. If your application
   is declined, you must wait (2 weeks)) before you apply 

               Thank You For Your Interest....
              In The Tiger Clan of Koguryo....

Any Questions Or Concerns Please Contact One Of The Following: FPickleDog XeroGravity HealinKisses MagickBliss RCMP

You can mail your application to ANY Tiger Clan Council '//`.'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`..'//`


Any Questions Or Concerns Please Contact One Of The Following: