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  • Merchant(99)
  • Gypsy (Il san)
  • Tradesman(Ee san)
  • Kashou(Sam san)


The current members of the Merchant subpath can be found here. The current elder of the Merchants is Living

The official merchant website is located at Here you can see current news as well as the Member of the Month of the Merchant Guild.


The roleplay of the Merchant Guild is rather diverse. We are all a family, however, you typically will not find two Merchants that are completely alike. There are the more typical Merchants that enjoy the buying and selling of items in the kingdoms for various reasons. There are also those that enjoy treasure hunting. We also have economists, historians, and followers of Kubera. So the level and depth of the roleplay of your character is only bound by your own imagination. There are six different divisions in the Merchant Guild that also allow for further depth of your character: Daredevil, Scholar, Gamesman, Colletor, Seeker and Tradesman. All of the information on these divisions as well as much more can be found within the Knowledge of wealth scroll which can be obtained by asking a Merchant Guide.

Services offered to the Community

Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt and Treasure hunt rankings quests, info can be found in the Knowledge of wealth scroll.

Freelance and Recognition quests, also found in the Knowledge of wealth scroll.

Engravements - The current prices can be found on either of the Market boards in Buya or Kugnae.

Unengravements - There is no charge, just fill out the form on the Market boards and send it into a Guide.

Stolen engrave reporting - Send reports of stolen engravements to Warik and he will follow up on it, if the engravement is documented, the name will be added to the Market boards under the heading: Current Stolen Engravements.