Ori-cle Clan site[1]
The Ori-cle Tribe is a clan based off of work by ApeDragon, Aeshatter, SevenSins, and Taku.
It was originally "Virtuous Clan"(Created in Yuri 73), that site avaliable here; [2]
Aeshatter and SevenSins decided that the site and history were too pompous, and wanted a larger range of people to be let in, and so created a new site, and Cathoirmore was removed from the revamped site. The new clan was titled "The Virtuous" dropping the "clan". It was open to any and all Nangens, are it's main goal was being nice and helping others. There were many minor power changes throughout "Virtuous Clan," including the ascending of a spy, Abrasion to Primogenship, but removed soon after and it was used as a roleplay event. A month after that event, the name was changed to The Virtuous.
It was accepted into Probation by the Tribunal of Nagnang in May 2005, and progressed through many public events, and had high publicity throughout it's term. An article was featured in the Kingdom Tribune when it reached 100 members.This created a large amoutn of hype as the clan was unofficial, it was rare for an aritcle to be written about unofficial clans.
Some confusion arose early in development(late stages of "Virtuous Clan") when Alizarin Clan was created by Gamine and began advertising on the Nexus in game boards. Both promoted a triumvirate( a 3 person government) and both sides recieved negative publicity for "copying" each other. This confusion was short lived, and was cleared up by Gamien stating she was not aware that Virutous Clan used it, and Virtuous did not pursue it any further.
The 6 month mark approached. On December 13th 2005, the end of Probation, the primogens in attendance (all Nangen primogens excpet Kujek, he was absent and Pegasus forfieted their vote.) voted, and The Virtuous were denied.
It was the first time a clan had been denied at the 6th month mark in all of Nexus, all other clans who'd gone that far have been accepted. Much of the public was outraged, and spoke out against the decision on the community board.
Here are just a few;
That is very disappointing to see such a great clan have to re-apply in 3 months and then go through the 6 LONG months of probation again. If I were new to the land of nexus I wouldn't have thought Virtuous as an un-official clan.
I don't understand, how can the clans of nagnang turned down the Virtuous when in fact isn't Nagnang wanting more clans?
Best of luck to Aeshatter and his clan in 3 months. Hopefully the next time they don't vote no.
I cant begin to express my disappointment that the Virtuous clan was voted down by the Nagnang tribunal , even though they held a voting without all members present.
To begin, I am not a member of the Virtuous clan. I am just a person that has observed and followed its development from the beginning. I recall when AeShatter first listed the set of virtues, in which I found some wording questionable, which I wrote him about. He understood my perspective and adapted new wording for the virtues. This was the first of many changes, as he carefully listened and molded this clan along with Sevensin and his helpers. This clan did many things I have NOT seen any other clans do. They made it a daily chore to try and bring some positivety back into this community, when its lacking alot of that now adays. There daily post of who " they caught" doing a good deed was amusing to read. They held event after event. They busted their rear ends for Nagnang and the Nexus community as a whole.
Yet they were turned down. I have to ask why they were turned down. I truly hope they did not vote down the Virtuous clan because they are a threat to their own clan existance, or on a personal basis. And I hope your not scrambling around trying to find a reason to appease the community that is furious you denied one of the most decent and well organized clans put together in a long time.
Personally, I think a few of the clans in Nagnang is in shambles. We all know The forsaken is a solid clan, its well organized and well run, but they had an advantage over every Nagnang clan. They were made by the GM of Nexus. not a player. Pegasus clan?? Well, I did join this clan for a short time, and was not pleased with what occured in there at all. First, I participated in these gathering hunts. YOu know to get ore, wood, or wool for tributes and stuff. Well, I watched a certain individual always collect the on these hunts, and I noticed none of what was gathered ever showed up in the clan bank.
I did see him however gaining crafting experience for himself by crafting it, but thing is he left the clan, and again, I never saw what was gathered which was from like 7 hunts I went on, never show up. Secondly, I left for boot camp and told people there on council I would be back in 3 months. I come back to find I am off some roster I was on and a nasty clan title of Inactive kin. Well , forget that, Inactive kin was followed by abandon. Then we got Silla clan, which I never heard of before it was made a clan and well still dont hear much of either. If there are any other clans in Nagnang, I dont know who you are. Thats how much of an impression you have made on me and I am sure a few other people in this community.
Bottom line here is, regardless of how much Aeshatter and SevenSin is trying to be gracious about being denied. I dont have to be so gracious. Today something smells really bad in Nagnang, It stinks of rotten fish and rotten clans. Shame on you, for turning down a clan that has had the most potential of any clan I seen in a long time , And shame on you if you dare respond to this post, well they can try again in 3 months. The answer to that, is they shouldnt have to wait, they should never been denied..
How on earth did this clan get turned down, with all the hard work and efforts it has put in the past few months on nexus. This clan promoted positive reenforcement. This clan did event after event, amusing the community. I just dont understand when there are a few clans in Nagnang, I am wondering how they ever got approved in the first place?? BAH BAH BAH to you Primogens of Nagnang.
I am shocked and surprised that the clan was not made official. I know only one or two memebers personally but through this board, the events they host, and the way they interact with the community makes me think that they are one of the better clans of resent years. DONT GIVE UP...Try again. I doubt that you will get rejected again.
Hello all, Im so very sorry, please dont give up...
I'm sure a lot of clans get voted down in all three cities, but I've never seen one of the ones that got voted down to have THIS much dedication towards their ideals and to their fellow members. Seeing these posts from the supporters of the Virtuous and from their members is very inspiring!
With a level of morale that high, there's no way you guys will fail the second time around. Keep working hard and you're bound to succeed. Best of luck. =D
-Elsy's player
Aeshatter and SevenSins took some time off to think about the next step, and they came out with a more hopeful outlook. After going though Nangen history written by ApeDragon, a retired Legion of Nagnang General, they created the Ori-cle Tribe, a Nangen Bloodline present since before Kija was born. The roleplay was more involved, and they created a monk marked family and that is avaliable at BodhiSanctum.com, the site of Berig the Monk Elder. That family is open to members, and you must contact ApeDragon, who currently heads it.
In March, it was decided that nexus had become too slow, and were sadly disheartned by the success of Alizarin.
"I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I admit I am jealous. We both worked extremly hard and dedicated 6 months of our time toward our goals, but I suppose Tribunal knew what they wanted. Neverless, it's hard to continue once you think your unwelcome."
-Aeshatter after the acceptance of Alizarin at the end of their Probation.
They wanted to leave, but felt that the clan should continue. Taku, a Nangen Ministry member and good friend of the two, had departed a few months before and that left Aeshatter and SevenSins choices for new leaders small. It was decided it would go to Rumiko and Babyboy, for Primogen and Primarch respectivly. Rumiko had shown dedication in the creation of an interactive member database, accesable by anyone who wanted to check their titles, clan or event points. Babyboy had been a longtime member, and was with the clan since "The Virtuous."
Rumiko declined, and passed Primogen to Babyboy, saying she did not have the time. Babyboy, now Primogen made many quick and large changes to the clan and the site. Aeshatter and SevenSins had planned to stay in Nexus for a short while, to guide the new leaders into their new position, but it was anything but smooth.
Babyboy changed clan laws, the application, and created another spot for Primarch, who he appointed Ellin, and ApeDragon for.
All the while, he flaunted his title, in forums, and in game, the foudners became worried.
After many attempts to control Babyboy, Aeshatter pulled a coup, and kicked all of Babyboys access to the clan websites, and reinforced his copyright on the stories and work in the sites, afterwords letting Babyboy know he had been removed, udner provision of the "Founders Hand" Law, which allowed founders to reclaim control of the clan at any moment if they deem suitable.
In the end, the two decided no one left in the clan could be responsible enough to take it to Tribunal for another 6 months without altering what it was created for, and it was disbanded in March 2006.