Mythic Nexus

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Hunting areas

The Mythic caves are arranged in a circular pattern around the center of the Mythic Nexus. Some of the prerequisites in the table below are level requirments. The other prerequisites follow the format: How much vitality points are needed / How much mana points are needed. You need either one of the vita/mana, not both.

Area Location Coordinates Prerequisites for cave 1 Prerequisites for cave 2 Prerequisites for cave 3
Dragon Direct North 0029 0018 Level 99 200,000 / 100,000 420,000 / 210,000
Snake North East 0040 0024 Level 81 110,000 / 55,000 300,000 / 150,000
Rabbit North East, above Snake 0050 0011 Level 25 Level 70 20,000 / 10,000