Approval of Tiger Clan to Official Clan in Tribunal

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August 11, 2004

Earlier tonight, FireTiger and the Tiger clan of Koguryo faced their final challenge: approval from the Tribunal.

At around 9:30 PM EST, the word began to spread... the Tiger clan will be official. Half an hour later, FireTiger released a public statement on the community board:

Wow. We made it. I can't believe it. We did it. 6+months of work.. N-mails.. whispers... spam..

And a family was born tonight.

I just want to thank you all who made this a reality.. From my little dream to this. I thank you for not giving up on us.

-smiles- WE DID IT!

-FireTiger Tiger clan primogen

I spoke briefly with FireTiger, and he nothing but praise for his fellow kindred. "A clan is not a clan without the members, we never forget that. I thank THEM tonight. I was only a light in the shaded night."

FireTiger also informed me that Yiro will be the first Primarch of the Tiger clan. "I believe that we focused on the goal..." said Yiro, "...we strived to achieve the goal, and all of our teamwork coming together helped make this clan what it is today.

(( Information Obtained from Nexus Atlas Archives for August 2004))