Sun Moon

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Sun Moon's Primogen is Khaos with Vales as Primarch. A complete list of their members can be found here Their official site can be found here


  • 1. Primogen Genji from Yuri 16 - Yuri 35
  • 2. Primogen Khaos from Yuri 35 ....


  • SunMoon Clan is one of the three original Clans (SunMoon, Heavens & Bear).
  • It maintains the longest serving Primogen, Primogen Khaos.
  • Its clan mascot is Tapi the Tiger.
  • It has one of the largest halls in the Nexus.
  • Their hall resides upon the smallest island in Koguryo (170,170), reachable by crossing Lady Kiyone Bridge (the longest bridge in Kugnae).
  • Before moving to the Palace of Kugnae, Royal Tribunals were held within SunMoon Clan Hall.
  • The title of "Celestial" is a great honour bestowed upon SunMoon Clan members by the Primogen. It is given to those who have spent time on the clan council and given years of service to the clan.

Legend of the Sun Moon Sect

In the beginning there was darkness, and then the stars were created. The radiant light of the stars filled the darkness. Nestled among the stars was a land surrounded by magic and mystery. This land was called the Nexus. Watching over this mythical land was the Sun god, Rokol. He provided light to protect the Nexus from darkness. Beside him was his beautiful wife, the Moon goddess, Igarashi. With her power she provided the lands with life, protection and peace. Together, they cared and watched over the Nexus with love and devotion. But everything does not end with a happy ending. From out of the darkness came a great evil. Krakis, the harbinger of death arrived to destroy all that was within his sight. Everything that is good and full of life. However, Rokol decided that it was his mission to destroy Krakis, so he told his wife and went forth after Krakis. Igarashi warned her husband of Krakis' powers but he knew what he had to do. Rokol soon encountered Krakis but his evil was too strong, his first hit almost killed the Sun god! Krakis fired again but before Rokol could respond Igarashi jumped in front of him protecting her husband. The shot mortally wounded the beautiful Moon goddess. Rokol knew there was nothing he could do to help his dying wife. Finally when death was near, Igarashi said in her final words to him, that he must go forth and kill Krakis. But to do this he must go on a quest to find each of their eight children who each carried a key to bring back the light. She had hid each of their children around the world so that the darkness would never find them. Each child held a piece of the light of the moon and when all eight were brought together Igarashi would return from the great void of darkness that is death. Rokol promised to do so, and just then Igarashi took her last breath. From then on Rokol has looked down on the earth in search of his children so that his dear wife will return and darkness will be destroyed.

Genji, a dedicated follower of Rokol soon after joined the Sun god's followers to resists evil and fight the darkness that is Krakis. The Sun Moon Sect is a group of followers united under the Sun and Moon to protect the Nexus and follow the Sun god Rokol. Since these united followers joined under a single cause the leader of the clan has knighted special men and women who have pure hearts and follow this universal cause with a strong and powerful will. These heroes are given the title of "Celestials" and lead the cause to empower the light, and banish darkness FOREVER!

- Original legend presented by Primogen Genji, recorded by Primarch Muckish.

Famous Members

  • Belledandi - First Newspaper Editor
  • Demolisher - Merchant Elder
  • FireTiger - Founder of the Tiger Clan of Koguryo
  • Genji - First Primogen of SunMoon Clan
  • Khaos - Second Primogen of SunMoon Clan
  • Kiyana - Newspaper Editor
  • Kiyone - Elder of the Muses
  • Muckish - Koguryian Minister of Peace & Newspaper Editor
  • Sasha - Princess of Buya through marriage to Prince Beanbag of Buya
  • Starrbrite - Koguryian Minister of Culture & first Royal Minister of Koguryo
  • Tswulf - Creator of Nexus Network & Nexus Atlas
  • Weltal - Koguryian Minister of Peace