Elixir war

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Revision as of 08:04, 9 August 2005 by Airadine (talk | contribs)

Elixir war is a game similar to capture the flag. There are two teams. Red and blue. Red is situated on the north west side of the map. Blue is on the southeast side of the map.

The object is for each team to get into the opposing teams base and retrieve the potion from that side. The person with the potion must then go to the center npc, hand it an acorn and receive the elixir trophy.

At the time of receiving the elixir trophy, stand in the middle of the Arena (where the npc is located) and wait until the Hosts sort the players.

Entry fee - 500c

Prizes - Dye sheaths (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Ancient, Blood, Earth, Ruby, Sea, and Long sheath (Warrior Arrows).

Location - Nagnang arena (73, 103) (Center door at the top of arena)


- You must have at least one acorn on you at all times! They can be bought from the npc. - You may shoot your arrows at the other team. When you hit them, they turn another color. If they move, they are 'dead'. Being hit by their own team can revive them. - You have a limited number of arrows each round. Do not waste them. - If multiple people (bug) receive a trophy, the first yell will win.

The number of rounds to be played will be determined by the host at the start. The winning team will be given a prize. --Airadine 11:04, 9 Aug 2005 (EDT)