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Revision as of 06:15, 25 August 2005 by Mehww (talk | contribs) (Ambuscade)
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Ambuscade is a trapping game for rogues only. Required spells are Set trap, Desesperate attack and Invisible. The following spells are also allowed : Flash trap, all other special attacks. A special arena is set up to play this game in Rustic Sanctuary. The regular game is hosted under a tournament style. Four oponents face eachother at once and are entitled to go invisible, use their special attacks and set one flash trap each round. The games are played "first to three round wins". The winner of each game moves on to the next level in the tournament.

In order to win a round you must be the last person standing. You are eliminated from a round if you walk into a Flash trap and get blinded or if one of the oponents hits you with a special attack. The winner of the tournament is generally recognized as a trapper.