I-Ching Readings

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Taken from Chronicles of the Winds post 1734 by Daos


First you must send a role-play reason why you wish to have an I-Ching reading along with the required information listed in the I-Ching rules. If the guide feels you are worthy of a reading h/s will contact you via n-mail, do not whisper a guide about readings. Guides are very busy and will answer your n-mail to let you know if you are worthy or not.

Note: Along with your request you must let us know Yuri you were born, what your karma is, how many criminal brands you have, the date of the most recent, and an explanation about why you received the brands. List how many I-Ching readings you have had and date of the last one, also remember you will need a Trigram key set and a Tao stone.

-A Scroll is bound with golden twine, with silver lettering on the parchment. The eight trigrams frame the scroll, each in black ink-

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An I-Ching reading is a form of Divination popular among the Diviners, both for its simplicity and its stalks, the Diviner seeks to release a person's dormant destiny, and to provide assistance and insight to a problem.

To receive an I-Ching reading, you must send a letter to a Diviner guide stating why you would like to receive such a reading. When the guide receives your letter, they will send you a small quest to complete. Below is an example of a request

For everyone's first five I-Ching readings you must have a minimum of Dog karma and for the next five readings you must have a minimum of Tiger karma. All readings after that require Spirit or higher karma. If you have an arrest, it must be over one Yuri old for us to consider you. For every Yuri that you have been in the kingdoms, you are permitted one reading. You must wait two weeks between readings, so that all may receive the I-Ching's lessons.

If you are interested in such a reading, send your request to one of these guides:











Do not whisper a guide for a reading, nor ask them for answers to the questions they give you. The quest is yours, and yours alone. It must not be shared with others. Failure to comply to either of these rules will result in the guide disregarding your request. Remember that a guide always has the final say on all matters. -Gull -Dark Mystic

---V------------V---Example of a Request---V-----------V---

Good evening, Prophet Gull.

Over the past three moons, my visions have been plagued incessently with memories of the shattering. Sagu's laughter, like an ill wind, flowing through the streets of kugnae, turning the leaves to autumn, causing pestilence to check through the kingdomunheeded, and leaving many brave and valiant warrior dead. I wonder though, are these merely memories of what has happened... or, and this is the fear that haunts me the most.Is it to happen again?

Desperate Villager