Talk:Vortex Items

Discussion page of Vortex Items
Revision as of 22:00, 21 February 2006 by Raquil (talk | contribs) (might be able to help)

Please verify information if possible! I just keyed these in all at one time so there may be a few typos. A few I didn't have stats for... fill these in if possible! --Zaventh 16:21, 21 Feb 2006 (EST)

might be able to help


    I have estimated stats for the missing ones basically extrapiliated from what was known, I could add them as best guess info, not perfect but probbaly better than no info :/. I cant confirm this but I think the Ancient hand item Prot and healings are off, unless Kru was real mean and zero'd them all, Ill try and confirm from in game, wether thats the case.