Buyan Imperial Army

From NexusWiki

Our current Royal is Princess Lasahn

Our current General is Tinadragon

with TinaDragon as Colonel

(2nd in Command) 

A complete list of our members can be found here

Name of main barracks NPC: DooSan

**First General Crovax:**

- Crovax became the First Buya Defender and was granted the coveted Gold dye that remains with us as a symbol of honor to this day - Army at this time resided outside of the Palace, meetings took place in Sanhae hall - Yuri 18 - Army officially founded Crovax remained General for a few months until WildZ took over

**Second General WildZ:**

- became General soon after Yuri 20 - Yuri 31 - Buya/Kugnae war over perceived dishonor cast by both kingdoms to the other, the Wilderness became a battleground between the kingdoms - Army was finally granted a small room in the palace that served as the Barracks, meetings still took place in the Sanhae hall, however, due to space limitations - a group of soldiers formed the Firestorm Brigade (FSB) and Flameholders, which later merged and became Eternity - the soldier now known as 'DooSan' began performing minor functions for the Army and could be found in Lasahn's chambers - Yuri 40 - during WildZ's absence, power shifted to Linae (former Colonel and former Admin commander) who was later exiled for acts of treason - Nightraven became the new Admin commander, Eldrikke was Intel commander, and Chronno was field - Yuri 42 - Hummer takes over as Field commander - Yuri 46 WildZ calls a council meeting to vote for the new General

**Third General NightRaven:**

- Became General Yuri 46 - New rooms were added to the Barracks including: the General's quarters (which replaced the first and only room in the hall), beds were added as well as the cells which would serve as a stable or jail as needed, and a meeting area was created so that the Army no longer needed to borrow the Sanhae hall -Army was robbed of its coin, which it never received back, many donations came in to help replace the army's losses one of which was 1 million coins by the Heavens clan -A quota was introduced by the kingdoms in which each army, clan and subpath must maintain over 100 members -DooSan began performing even more functions for the army

**Fourth General Chronno:** - Became general in Yuri 50 - The medals, Archon Themis summoned Chronno and Rowann of KRA to her office to discuss the introduction of medals (non-bonded, non-repairable) to the armies that were to remain a secret - Chronno believed that the medals should be given out on the basis of Merit alone as is the premise of the Buya army and so he did, Unfortunately a complaint was made and at Themis' request Chronno and Colonel Aceostar worked together to design a quest in order to earn the medals - War against the Forsaken - still harboured much ill-will towards the other kingdoms because of the slaughter of its Citizens when Nagnang was first accessible - when the Nagnang Army was first formed the Forsaken revolted and a war ensued (they did not like the idea of an Army in their kingdom) - The Nagnang Army General requested the help of the BIA and the war continued until a truce was called - War against the Barbarians (tri-kingdom treaty) - trashed the Bia Palace and continuously harassed the kingdoms so Prince Mhul, Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija assembled their armies and attacked the Armies in their wilderness cave

- Johaih took over Buya with the power of the Onyx and declared himself King, he invaded the Barracks, expected the BIA members to serve him but was defeated by the Army.

**Fifth General AceoStar:** -Yuri 70 - First general to work with the gods to create a tribute system for the army, prior to this no requests were taken by the gods and we only received what they decided to give us - this was a revolutionary change for the army

- Yuri 78 - Buya army signs a peace treaty with all Buya clans

**Sixth General Bullmunk:** - Became general Hyul 2 - Yuri passes away in his 82nd year, and Hyul becomes the new King at this time Bluestone and the pirates make their first appearance and begin wreaking havoc on the lands in an attempt to acquire the clan swords from the hands of their leaders, the clan merchants were kidnapped in an effort to meet this goal and some were even killed during their capture - A war ensued between Han and Bluestone in which the community were able to show their allegiances and fight for either side, The Army took a stand against Bluestone and aided the Han army in this attack


- Compiled by Arkayne, Theya- Buya Intelligence, and NalyD from the Field Division.