
From NexusWiki
Revision as of 19:22, 9 July 2007 by Zaventh (talk | contribs)

Heals 50 of users' vitality points. Only available for learning if you forgot it.

Mana Cost - 3

Aether Delay - 0 Seconds

Duration - N/A

Target - Self.

Level to learn - 8

Required items to learn - 70 Acorns, 30 coins.

  • Effect: ?
  • Mana Cost: ##
  • Aethers: ##
  • Duration: ##
  • Target: (Others only, Self, Any, Weapon, x tile in front)
  • Level learned: ##

Items Required

  • ###
  • ###

Aligned names


  • Special info
  • Only use if you need to

See Also

  • Any helpful and related articles

[[Category:Rogue spells]] [[Category:Warrior spells]] [[Category:Mage spells]] [[Category:Poet spells]] Select all that apply and delete the rest and remove nowiki tag