Barbarian Tales

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Revision as of 12:46, 22 September 2006 by Winder (talk | contribs)
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There are tales of love, tales of       ,   : :    ,          
lost lives, tales of brutal beginnings,     : : 
and tales of Bravery. Tales of great people that have 
made a mark on the world so much so that it will be passed
down from generation to generation. I seek out these tales
to share  with my bretheren a tale that will be worth 
sitting around a fire with a few brews,
tales that will bring laughter or maybe bring tears.
Starts : September,17th 
Ends : September, 24th
Topic : Your History
Prizes   1st- A Tattoo ((Legend mark))
         2nd- A Surprise

Brought to you by the Horde (>|<)