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Revision as of 12:13, 13 August 2005 by Glee (talk | contribs) (Alizarin is expected to become official in February of 2006.)
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Alizarin is an unofficial clan in the kingdom of Nagnang. Their roleplay is based on the following premise:

Throughout history, Unseen creatures have dabbled in the lives of unsuspecting humans, instigating wars and wreaking all sorts of havoc. Some people have the special ability of Sight and can see the Unseen. These people are especially vulnerable to attack from the Unseen because the Unseen do not like to be discovered.

Misunderstood, alone, and vulnerable, those with the Sight worked in isolation for centuries to combat the Unseen. Alizarin clan was founded to offer a Haven to those with the Sight, as well as to all who require sanctuary.

Alizarin members uphold the principles of integrity, conscience, compassion, and discipline. Their constant exposure to the Unseen has the side effect of turning their hair red.

Alizarin's Primogen is Gamine Their clan site can be found here

Alizarin is currently undergoing their 6 month probationary period, and is expected to become official in February of 2006.

The word Alizarin has it's origins here.