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Revision as of 17:32, 10 August 2006 by Kujek (talk | contribs)

Pegasus Clan

General Themes:
Free expression, Mysticism, and Imagination.

Carefree, Sophisticated, and Calm

Interesting Facts

  • Pegasus Clan is the first official clan of nagnang voted on by a Tribunal.
  • Their founder was ironically exiled from Lost Kingdom, Phoenix, Enigma, Heavens,
    SunMoon, and Forsaken Clan
  • Pegasus clan paid the most expensive Tribute to date. (In response, today's tribute has been reduced by the efforts of Quistia & Kujek.)
  • Pegasus clan recieved the largest clan hall for a new clan.
  • Pegasus clan hall is the largest clan hall in nagnang, and one of the largest in the kingdoms.
  • It is also the second largest clan in nagnang.
  • Council members (Drywater, Kujek, & Quicksand) all were head carnage hosts at the same time.

Interesting Rumors / Legends

  • It has allegedly been the home clan of Cerulean & Kismet's mortals
  • It was almost removed as a clan in early 2005 because of quota issues.
  • It is the only clan that allows members with more than three red brandings.
  • It is the only clan without a forceful activity policy.
  • The clan was allegedly founded by Kujek & 60 unsatisfied kindred of another clan that petitioned for change but got exiled.
    That would make a romantic creation story now, wouldn't it? :)
  • Former game master, Delphi, intervened with clan business to split up / regulate the council due to suspician of a "Carnage-Monopoly".
  • Pegasus clan had been the home of nearly all carnage hosts at one point.

  • Application: (Mail this to either Creature or SoulHunter)

    Nation: (Must reside in Nagnang)
    What are your interests?
    Why do you want to join us?
    What are your views toward clan violence (PK)?
    How tolerant are you in a scale from 1-10?
    Are you patient?
    What can we expect from you?
    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Learn more here!

    Questions? Comments?

    Contact these individuals:

    A complete list of their members can be found here.
    The official website is located here.