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What is a Geomancer?

What is a Geomancer?

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What is a Geomancer?

                       Penned by Shoh
 I'll do my best to explain to what exactly 'Geomancy'
 entails, though the term itself is more often
 misunderstood than correctly applied.
 A Geomancer is one who is at one with the earth. The
 Geomancer perceives the courtship of the winds where
 others perceive little more than a mundane whistling.
 The Geomancer understands the ancient and untold language
 of the universe: he/she is at one with the natural rhythms
 of existence itself.
 This world is a living one. It is dynamic, changing,
 diverse, yet somehow eternally the same, static and in 
 equilibrium. Heroes will be born and expire, kingdoms
 will rise and fall, yet the Geomancer perceives that
 little really changes. The Geomancer sees that this world
 and everything in it (for everything is a part of this
 world) is the continual and perpetual harmony of dual 
 opposites. The energies of the unnmoving, receptive, dark
 and feminine forever incline towards the active, bright
 and masculine. It is the interaction and flux of these
 forces, the duality of opposites, that gives rise to all 
 earthly phenomena. We know this to be incontrovertible
 fact. To know so is to perceive the very fabric of
 The timeless and ancient balance of all things is known to
 the Geomancer, yet it is a mystery most ecstatic and
 sublime, for one can never contain its boundless secrets
 in the flawed receptacle of the human mind. Knowing however 
 that it is the beginning and end of all things, one can 
 perceive it at work. The elements themselves are actors in
 the drama of existence: they interact; wax and wane. Water 
 descends where fire rises. Wood is expansive, while metal 
 moves in on itself. Knowing that each element produces the 
 next is the key to observing the cycles of the natural
 world. The natural rhythms are contained in repetition: yin 
 gives rise to yang and yang to yin.
 Are these things of any interest to you? Is this knowledge
 to your liking? Read on, young one.

The Geomancer Demeanor

A Geomancer's View

Geomancer Honors and Dishonors

Geomancer Guides

Path of the Earth Mage

Circle of Subpaths

Geomancer Services

Summary of Geomancer Services

Ba Gua Ceremonies

The Inner Sects

The Unity of Inner Sects

An Introduction to Wu Xing

An Introduction to Tiaoli

An Introduction to Wu Wei

Geomancer Histories

Geomancer Lessons

Qi and its Two Forms

Wu Chi and Tai Chi

Tracing the Tai Chi Circle

Yin, Yang, and Balance


Balance and Neutrality

The Luck Trinity


Karma Levels

The Four Deities (A)

The Four Deities (B)

The Earth's Dragon

The Wu Xing (Five Elements)

The Geomancer Way of Thinking

The Elemental Cycles (A)

The Elemental Cycles (B)

The Eight Trigrams

Elemental Affinities (A)

Elemental Affinities (B)

The Origins of the Ba Gua

Two Ba Gua Sequences

The Ba Gua Map

Ba Gua Zhang

Feng Shui

The Stems and Branches System (A)

The Stems and Branches System (B)

The Ba Yin

Tao Te Ching

Creative Works