Nagnang Army

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Revision as of 06:17, 17 October 2008 by Analog (talk | contribs)
  • Nagnang Army's General is Sterben..
  • The Royal in charge of Nagnang Army is Kija.
  • A complete list of their members can be found here.
  • The first General of the Nagnang Army was MarekP, by vote.

Brief Overview

The Nagnang Army was the second player group established within the Nation of Nagnang. The Nagnang Army is currently known as "The Legion of Nagnang" (or "LoN"). The Nagnang Army's purpose is to ensure the protection of its Sovereign, its people, its Lands and Interests.

An important observation is that whilst the Forsaken Clan and The Nagnang Army both share a strong National Protection trait, the Forsaken Clan's patron is primarily General Blight (no military/rank association with the player-run Nagnang Army) and Kija second. In contrast, the Nagnang Army holds Prince Kija as its patron and the highest National authority and Blight as a National Hero, if not sometimes as a nuisance who interfers in the Prince's rightful business.

This divide is significant due to the past and present differences between Prince Kija and General Blight and the differing interests each individual and their respective groups have in Nagnang. In so much The Nagnang Army can be viewed the Prince's "muscle" and support, whilst the Forsaken can be viewed as Blight's.

Differences from a Clan

As an 'Army' the Legion of Nagnang operates in a similar fashion to Clans, however there are notable differences from Nangen Clans with regard to; methods of Tribute for Clan Hall additions, obligations of service to Nagnang, conduct with regard to the State and Sovereign.

Famous Soldiers

  • MarekP - First and two term General of the Nagnang Army. Became the first person to receive the Nagnang Defender mark and dye.
  • Lethey - First Colonel of the Nagnang Amry. Became the second person, right after MarekP to receive the Nagnang Defender mark and dye.
  • ApeDragon - Second General of the Army, however the position was only held for one week as MarekP decided to return to the kingdoms.
  • Earl - Former Colonel in the Army.
  • JadedSkies - Took over the position of General after MarekP was banished from the kingdoms. She was appointed General by the Archons because she had little connection with MarekP.
  • HealingLight - Hard working soldier during JadedSkies time as General. Creator of many drills still used in the Legion today.
  • BeZal - Two term Former General of the Legion. Contributions include; Created the current Barracks map, present rank structure and several other rooms.
  • Chill - Former General of the Legion. Contributions include; Implementing the first Army Crafting room.
  • Adragonsclaw - Former General of the Legion. Also implemented and refined the current Barrack's Map.
  • LegacyTrix - Current General of the Legion.
  • Windis - Long serving soldier, since the army formation.
  • KiaishkiReld - Long serving soldier, currently Lt. Colonel.
  • ShadowZack - Long serving soldier, currently Colonel.
  • Gilmore - Former General of the Legion. Contributions include; Merged Divisions and Units.

Past Generals

  • MarekP
  • ApeDragon (Only 1 week as General)
  • MarekP
  • JadedSkies
  • Gromph
  • BeZal
  • Chill
  • Adragonsclaw
  • LegacyTrix
  • Gilmore
  • BeZal
  • Sterben (Current General)

Past Colonels

  • Lethey
  • KaiTheArcher
  • Lethey
  • ApeDragon
  • Earl
  • Gromph
  • Aramina
  • BeZal
  • Chill
  • Ataraxic
  • ShadowZack
  • Sterben