Durability - 50000/50000 Damage - S: 1m2 L: 3m4 AC: -8 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vita: 1000 Mana: 1000 Might: 0 Will: 8 Grace: 1 Protection: 0 Healing: 75 Poet Level 99 Might to Wield: 10
Special Information: Bonded / Unrepairable
HOW TO OBTAIN NPC Subpath Members Say "Kimesh" to Hausson Smith
The Life Lance is the Hyun Moo NPC Subpath Weapon, Like all NPC SubPath Weapons it costs 200 million (200,000,000) experience, 100 vita, 100 mana, 3 might, 3 will, 3 grace to forge