Barbarian Tales

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Revision as of 12:50, 22 September 2006 by Winder (talk | contribs)

Barbarian Tales are hosted weekly by Neith

There are tales of love, tales of lost lives, tales of brutal beginnings, and tales of Bravery. Tales of great people that have made a mark on the world so much so that it will be passed down from generation to generation. I seek out these tales to share with my bretheren a tale that will be worth sitting around a fire with a few brews, tales that will bring laughter or maybe bring tears.

Topic : Announced weekly (Look on Nexus for information)

Prizes 1st - A Blood mark (Legend mark)

        2nd - Surprize

Brought to you by the Horde (>|<)

With Regards,

The Horde

