Ming-Ken Mage Spell Names

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Ming-Ken Spell List.

-Unaligned-        -Ming-Ken-
Gateway              Gateway 
Thunder bolt         Thunder bolt
Might                Inner Blessing
Soothe               Soothe
Pestilence           Pestilence
Static               Static
Spark                Bolt
Fleshspeak           Helping Hand
Singe                Lightning
Return               Return
Harden armor         Shield of Life
Ignite               Wrath of Nature
Approach             Approach
Lay hands            Life's Water
Erupt                Avalance
Mend wounds          Natures Kiss
Valor                Bless Muscles
Ion                  Tree Dart
Relief               Lifesong
Purge                Restore Health
Summon               Summon
Ion charge           Flight of Arrows
Recover              Infuse Energy
Cure paralysis       Return Movement
Sanctuary            Guard Life
Invoke               Life Force
Gangrel              Ming-Ken Mask (Buck morph)
Heal                 Life Flow
Mentor               Mentor
Impact               Treefall
Explode              Winters Vortex
Remove curse         Undo Evil
Beast                Ming-Ken Chameleon (Chicken morph)
Call Lightning       Natures Wounding
Vex                  Un-natural Selection
Venom                Snake Bite
Blind                Winters Shadow
Paralyze             Cold Binds
Electrocute          Forests Discord
Confuse              Dispise Friend
Sleep                Essence of Poppies
Stormstrike          Natural Disaster
Doze                 Still Ethers
Tempest              Wilding
Rejuvenate           Infuse Life
Share wisdom         Share Wisdom
Hellfire             Flesh Eaters

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