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Revision as of 17:35, 10 August 2006 by Kujek (talk | contribs)

Pegasus Clan

General Themes:
Free expression, Mysticism, and Imagination.

Carefree, Sophisticated, and Calm

Interesting Facts

  • Pegasus Clan is the first official clan of nagnang voted on by a Tribunal.
  • Their founder was ironically exiled from Lost Kingdom, Phoenix, Enigma, Heavens,
    SunMoon, and Forsaken Clan
  • Pegasus clan paid the most expensive Tribute to date. (In response, today's tribute has been reduced by the efforts of Quistia & Kujek.)
  • Pegasus clan recieved the largest clan hall for a new clan.
  • Pegasus clan hall is the largest clan hall in nagnang, and one of the largest in the kingdoms.
  • It is also the second largest clan in nagnang.
  • Council members (Drywater, Kujek, & Quicksand) all were head carnage hosts at the same time.

Interesting Rumors / Legends

  • It has allegedly been the home clan of Cerulean & Kismet's mortals
  • It was almost removed as a clan in early 2005 because of quota issues.
  • It is the only clan that allows members with more than three red brandings.
  • It is the only clan without a forceful activity policy.
  • The clan was allegedly founded by Kujek & 60 unsatisfied kindred of another clan that petitioned for change but got exiled.
    That would make a romantic creation story now, wouldn't it? :)
  • Former game master, Delphi, intervened with clan business to split up / regulate the council due to suspician of a "Carnage-Monopoly".
  • Pegasus clan had been the home of nearly all carnage hosts at one point.


(Mail this to Creature, Rezup, Monchich or Kujek)

Nation: (Must reside in Nagnang)
What are your interests?
Why do you want to join us?
What are your views toward clan violence (PK)?
How tolerant are you in a scale from 1-10?
Are you patient?
What can we expect from you?
Is there anything else you would like to add?

Learn more here!

Learn all about our clan by visiting our website. You can learn even more fun facts/rumors and technical information by contacting us Nexus.

Questions? Comments?

Contact these individuals:

A complete list of their members can be found here.
The official website is located here.