Hammered kallal

From NexusWiki
Revision as of 19:21, 26 July 2006 by Zaventh (talk | contribs)

File:Hammered kallal.png
Durability: ####
Damage: S: ##m## L: ##m##
AC: #
Hit: # Dam: #
Vita: # Mana: #
Might: # Will: # Grace: #
Protection: # Regen: #
Might to Wield: ## Peasant Level: ##

Special Info

  • If applicable
  • Blah blah
  • Blah blah

How to Obtain

  • Include steps and items required
  • If quested item, refer to the quest instead of detailing it here

[[Category:Armor/Ring/Weapon/Helm/Accessory]] (pick only one and remove nowiki tag) If path specific, append the path as the prefix. Example: Rogue armor instead of just Armor

Hammered Kallal:

Durability: 160,000/160,000

Damage S 120m140

      L 120m140

Amor -3 Hit +3 Dmg +3

Vita increase +4000 Mana increase +4000 Might increase +1 Grace increase +2