Market Prices: Difference between revisions

From NexusWiki
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* Surge
* Surge
20,000 - 30,000c
20,000 - 30,000c

Revision as of 16:21, 27 September 2005

Many have always found keeping a list of market prices a daunting task, mainly because its always changing, it'd be hard for one, or even 5 people to keep it going. Then I thought of this wiki, and realised... with the aid of all of us, we could add in items, and the prices they go for, completely open to the critisism of others, the prices always able to be changed and updated at the same pace our market moves. Unfortunately I've just recently returned to nexus, I couldnt give many accurate prices... but if I was able to i certinately would. So i challenge everyone, write below the items you know the prices on, i challenge everyone else, check and double check those item.

Market Prices


  • Spike


  • Surge

20,000 - 30,000c