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''"Citizens of great kingdoms, take heed. Times are growing darker, and powers we do not understand are at work here. Recently we became aware of dark minions entering our land. Now they seem to be growing in numbers and strength, as well as spreading to areas closer to our cities and homes.''
''"Citizens of great kingdoms, take heed. Times are growing darker, and powers we do not understand are at work here. Recently we became aware of dark minions entering our land. Now they seem to be growing in numbers and strength, as well as spreading to areas closer to our cities and homes.''

''Take care of your yourselves; I fear the worst of this is yet to come."''
''Take care of yourselves; I fear the worst of this is yet to come."''

-[[Spirit Guide]] [[Eldridge]]
-[[Spirit Guide]] [[Eldridge]]

Revision as of 18:29, 4 August 2008

This is the event that released Spell Alignments into the game and brought about the first reduction in aethers on spells.

The alignment leaders manifested in our world due to an imbalance as we all drew some the same power source. Many of these spirits were angry and attacked the people of the kingdoms. So they came to split up the power sources and maintain balance.


A Cold Wind Blows...

"Since the beginning of known history mortals of the land have worked to harness the powers from the aethers to do their bidding. Delving deep into the arcane mysteries they have used these powers to aid them in day to day living, as well as in battle. Different paths, and different kingdoms have forged their own uses for this ability. Some have used the power for good, others for evil.

Over time however the powers we call upon have changed, in the most unpredictable ways. We have never given thought to these powers, and to why they exist. We have never given thought to what may happen by delving into such dark matters, and attempting to harness powers not of our world.

Some have already noted significant changes in our world on the spiritual level, yet as this bitter cold wind blows in my study window I can't help but think there may be a far greater effect of this that we are not aware of yet. The days draw darker, and shorter. I fear for what may lay ahead for the people of the realm."

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

Dark Minions

"I have received an urgent letter from the Diviner elder, Sarina. The letter states visions of battle, and war coming through the darkness. News from the far reaches of the Jinhan Empire has been cut off, but before the silence they tell of dark minions suddenly materializing from nowhere in what can only be described as raiding parties. We now have seen some of these raiding parties attacking in the vale, as well as a Carnage of Riches.

I call upon the citizens to protect one another, and be watchful of such raids starting in other areas of the kingdom."

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

"Citizens of great kingdoms, take heed. Times are growing darker, and powers we do not understand are at work here. Recently we became aware of dark minions entering our land. Now they seem to be growing in numbers and strength, as well as spreading to areas closer to our cities and homes.

Take care of yourselves; I fear the worst of this is yet to come."

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

The Ethereal Temple Appears

"A burst of energy shook me from my bed early this morning. In the distance, from the wilderness, I saw a bright light and heard a strange humming noise. I quickly got dressed, and rode my horse with all haste towards the light. To my surprise I saw the entrance to a shrine materialize from nothingness. As I stood in awe of the event unfolding before my eyes I saw dark minions battling inside, the war flooding over into the surrounding areas. They were battling one another in a furious rage. Then one of them noticed me, they seemed as surprised to be in our realm, as I was to see them here.

There was a silence that fell upon the warring minions, then almost as if they had found their common enemy they all charged towards me with weapons drawn.

I was frozen in place, unable to retreat from the certain death that I faced. Only by the luck and blessing of Orb was I saved. Chongun Elder Gildenstar, and Monk Elder Devion were close by, also coming to see what was going on. Devion quickly protected me, while Gildenstar covered my escape.

It seems that the barrier between our world, and the ethereal world is being breached. I warn you all to be on your highest guard, as the battle for our lives, or even our existence may be at hand.

- Spirit Guide Eldridge

The Ethereals

"Citizens of the land,

After watching the actions of the ethereal beings I have come to this conclusion. Each represents a different aspect of the ethereal world.

  • Ohaeng, the five, and the balance of everything it encompasses. Ohaeng is the center of everything around. Ohaeng is equal in all aspects. Ohaeng draws power from all around, in balance.
  • Kwi-Sin, the afterlife. Kwi-Sin is a great force in the afterworld. Kwi-Sin draws power from all that is dead. Kwi-Sin is a master of destruction.
  • Ming-Ken, the living. Ming-Ken represents love, and life. Ming-Ken draws power from the living matter around us all. Ming-Ken is a master of life, and love.

Till this time we have only drawn power from one source, causing great disruptions in the aethers. Such harsh abuse of such a force always draws its consequences, and this is the point we have reached.

The ethereal beings are here to resolve this chaos, and restore order to their world. I do not know what they have planned. I can only hope that once this is over chaos will settle, and over time the aethers will settle to a more natural state.

-Spirit Guide Eldridge

The Aethers Balance

"Dear Citizens,

Can you not feel it now? I can sense a great change in the land. The aethers that we use for our magic are starting to come into alignment. With the community drawing power from more places it brings more unity and balance. The chaos of the aethers is settling, and the chaos caused by our magic is being cleared faster."

-Spirit Guide Eldridge


  • Kwi-Sin means "ghost" in Korean.
  • Ohaeng is a Korean word that represents the Five Chinese elements.
  • Ming-Ken is a Buddhist term that means "life-force"